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Everything posted by RRB-Texas

  1. After some time staying away from v10, I am still on the legacy version. I still need a local DB since internet access is not always available. What is the EN development team thinking? What is the real goal for EN. We are not 'always' connected. Also EN 10 uses too much of my screen revinue to display all the text of titles. This is way too sad to see this regression in development. Sometime ago, I had uploade all my PDF's to EN and deleted the origianls, from my 'local drive' (keeping a backup) Bad Idea. Now I have a copy of all my PDF's and use Windows File Explorer to access these. Such a sad way to do, but I can no longer 'trust' EN to keep my data. It is my data you know. MS OneNote: I used for many years. The data is stored in a strange format and since I compose documents then copy and paste into an email they sometimes become formated differently. Also, ON can not store PDF's. That is where EN stands out above the rest. Anything from MS is fat and slow. So, I left ON years ago. So why did EN run in the wrong direction? Apparently didn't really care what their customers need? Well, it is their software. But it is my data. I hate shopping for something else. So, I have put my 'Trust' elsewhere and not in EN. My precious data will not go to the grave.
  2. The MAC has the ability to gen only a date. Could we get a configuration as such for the PC & IOS, <Date> or <Date & Time>?
  3. Great Idea. Ribbon to swipe in / out. D for Date only and DT for Date & Time.
  4. Add sort by name with option for accending / dececending. For IOS Devices.
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