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Everything posted by folke1967

  1. Sorry, but I don't think, that removing the option to purchase new Plus subscriptions was a good idea! I discovered EN at the beginning of 2016, when I looked for some kind of a cloud based data storage system for the board of our Munich local group of the public transport workers union, where all board members can easily find necessary basic documents. During my research on youtube I landed on Steve Dotto's Dottotech channel and I was totally amazed by his videos about EN, that I opened a free account for myself. After a short time I upgraded to EN plus, because I wanted the EN company to make some money and I wanted to have bigger monthly data Volume than just the 60 MB. However the most important feature for me is the ability to send emails into the EN account. The last function is absolutely important for me, because I try to go paperless and I have got a Scansnap IX100 scanner, which sends it's scans through the Scansnap Cloud via email into my EN account. The restriction down to two devices per Free account came after I subscribed for EN Plus, but it's another big advantage of upgrading from a free account. Perhaps I will upgrade to EN Premium one day, but at the moment EN Plus is perfectly tailored to my personal needs. For everybody of my friends, who might copy my private paperless workflow one day, upgrading to EN Plus would have been my ultimate suggestion. For our local union group I opened a free account last year and in November I started to create notebooks and stored the first documents in there. To publish these notebooks to our board members I created a pdf file with touchable text fields, where the URLs of the notebooks are embedded, so that everybody can open them with ease. Unfortunately I reached the 60MB level and since then I have been kept busy with other things, so that I've not been able to finish the first stage of the project. To establish this system in the future, I will have this to be approved by our board and I'm not sure that I will get the approval for the Premium fee at the beginning. So what are my conclusions of that, what I just wrote down to advocate for EN Plus? -Even if the EN Plus package had the lowest subscription rate of all options, it still generated some revenue. -There are people like me, for wich EN Plus is the perfect tailored solution. -If you want to convince people to obtain a paid version of EN, its easier to convince them to chose EN Plus than Premium, because Premium contains functions, which they might not need at the beginning. It's the first entry level step on the ladder so to speak. I really hope that you think your decision over and that there will be a new option with similar features at a similar price in the future. From my point of view the good news about that, that EN Plus had such a low subscription rate, is, that there is a need for this option, but it was not really a concurrence for the Premium version.
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