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Everything posted by MissArdbeg

  1. Yes, I did. From the Pocket application on my computer everything seems to be working smoothly. I even tested by closing EN desktop client (Mac Beta 5) before sharing with EN. Opened iOS App and the shared note was displayed. I didn't even notice any delay fetching the content. The other way round doesn't work anymore. I try to clip from Pocket to EN via Sharesheet and I get the dialogue mentioned in the beginning of this thread. I am not even asked whether I want Pocket to access my EN account. As already stated by the clipper, the note is not in the Desktop EN client unless I have opened iOS App in between. That's a pity, because in the past getting content from one explicitly authorized application to EN worked seamlessly. @Jaya Shekarraju Thanks a lot for acknowledging the problem and letting us know that you are working on the issue!
  2. I agree that intransparent backdoors are a very bad idea. Fortunately the backdoors setup on purpose are visible within EN and can be managed there. In the last days I tried to remember how I have done it with the older EN versions. I think why I didn't remember that EN on iPhone needs to be opened was the Pocket integration. Whenever wanting to clip something from the web, I first shared with Pocket to get rid of the formatting and then shared from Pocket with EN. Since that step happened between Pocket and EN backends, I didn't notice and when I opened EN desktop app afterwards I had the clipped content directly in there. Now it seems like the integration between Pocket and EN is gone. I am not sure on which side this needs to be implemented again - is the EN forum the right place to request it or shall I raise it with the Pocket team?
  3. I just tested it and it works. Unfortunately, that is not intuitive at all and I understand that it might confuse most users. I would expect that the title is displayed as the default text in the Share screen and can be edited as wished. In that case the user directly sees what to expect when sharing content with EN. And couldn't "simplified clipping" be an option to directly be included in the Share Screen? Maybe as a checkbox which remembers the previous selection.
  4. Oh yes, let's dream with having all the new iOS 14 Widget capabilities in mind! 🙂 There are so many options! What I would like to have: Quick capture (Text, Audio, Reminder ...). That could be a small Widget. For a bigger widget: Display notes. If I understood the widget feature correctly, this could even be customized. Like filtering for a saved search, a favorite etc., depending on the selection. As an addition: upcoming and overdue reminders. Then I could get rid of my Cronify integration (which works great, but it still a workaround from my pov). For all widgets I would love to have some quick capture buttons right besides it - maybe a note can be created without opening EN in the front.
  5. Thanks for posting. I just also wanted to confirm that the issue still persists. I can also confirm that it happens when no other client is open. I even tried deleting EN, restarting my phone, reinstalling EN - still duplicate notes. My use case: Clip to EN via Sharesheet from Pocket --> Duplicate Note.
  6. Now I am really confused what the WebClipper will do - does that mean now, that if I clip something on my phone, and next open EN on my Mac, the note will not have synced, because I haven't opened the iOS EN App in the meanwhile? That would be nuts, completely counterintuitive and not how it worked before. I would expect that it DIRECTLY syncs to server. Please tell me that it is not intended to stay this way.
  7. I am not sure, whether the assumption fits to all users with that use case. When the note duplication happened to me, I was not at home and my computer was sleeping. I guess Evernote was open (it always is), but it is hard for me to imagine that this would have any influence on the issue as long as there is no internet connection.
  8. Today I had the problem as well and have no idea why. A very small note, text only, created on the go (no WiFi).
  9. In the current implementation, moving notes to another notebook is very inefficient. From within a note: 1. When clicking on notebook title in the note I first need to select whether I would like to go to the notebook or move the note. —> this is already the first hurdle. It’s hard to imagine that when doing UX tests with real users (assuming that has been done) anyone stated that in order to go to a notebook they would do it via a note. I would expect to skip this step and directly be able to select another notebook. 2. Move note screen: almost okay. I would expect that the cursors defaults in the search field. 3. Notebook selection done, move notes screen still open until having confirmed with “Done” —> everytime I move a note I stumble across it, because I really expect that the screen closes after having selected a notebook. I understand that behavior for Tag selection, because several tags can be chosen. But for notebooks that doesn’t make any sense at all - it is just a useless additional tap. From notes list: 2 and 3 from above apply. In addition to that, move notes is very far down in the list of actions that can be done after the swipe. I think editing tags, moving notes should be accessible more easily from there - assuming that most users perform those actions more regularly than deleting notes.
  10. I love how tags are easily visible in the new iOS version! That’s why (for the moment) I see only minor improvements in that area: Quickly adding tags is important for me. That can be made faster by positioning the cursor per default in the search bugs whenever entering the screen - initially, after having made a selection, and after having created a new tag. In addition to that: after being done with tag selection/creation and tabbing on “ready” (or whatever English version says), there is a noticeable lag. First nothing happens and I wonder whether I have already tapped. The EN returns to note screen without the tags visible. After another second or so the tags are there and the note can be edited further.
  11. To add to the things missing: The Apple Watch App. I used it all the time whenever I wanted to quickly capture something without pulling my phone out. I noticed that even without having checked out everything else, because it is completely gone from my watch.
  12. MissArdbeg

    Slow App

    I noticed this tonight in the public version as well. It took ages to load notes without content (only headline) and adding tags was very cumbersome, because the app tried to load something that even got in the way of typing something. It seems to be an backend issue that doesn’t only affect beta version. Since I was the only one awake it is very unlikely that something else was slowing down our internet connection.
  13. Thanks for posting a new video of this series! It is great to see how formatting and tag management will behave in the future and I am pretty excited about the things I have seen. I am also very curious how reminders will look like in the future. I hope they will not be treated like the ugly stepchild anymore and that some beta users are heavily using them to give you proper feedback on that.
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