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Everything posted by LeCook

  1. Still waiting on this today (2021-09-28) after maaaaaaaany updates! I use Evernote for a LOT of indented code snippets. - Templates keep bringing back a mix of fonts and styles. Need defaulting to a fixed width font across the board (or on an entire notebook) as a default setting - Need ability to disable automated hyperlinking - Need ability to disable bullet formatting
  2. Copy/paste keeping formatting from other apps and the new automated bullet insert is driving me nuts. I'm also constantly switching between Android devices and the Windows app and end up with a crazy mix of fonts and formatting. I use Evernote a LOT for my script and command snippets and often resort to a habit of select-all-text-Courrier-size-10 on my most often consulted notes. All I want is a simple "Default to no formatting" option/feature to a fixed width font. Bonus: Applicable as a shortcut to blocks, yeah, but I'd like it applicable as an All Notes setting or to individual notes?
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