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Everything posted by jfxamilton

  1. Excellent point; though in my case, it works well because I already use Tampermonkey to block sponsored ads from the Facebook news feed.
  2. Install a Google Chrome extension called TamperMonkey (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/related) [...] The TamperMonkey extension allows us to inject and run our own Javascript on page load. The @inlcude bit in the script below tells TamperMonkey to only run this script on any pages that have a URL that starts with https://www.evernote.com/OutboundRedirect.action. The script then grabs the target destination (i.e. the link we want to show) and tells the browser to immediately redirect there (bypassing the need to press evernotes continue button). This works spectacularly well for me; thanks. I had never heard of Evernote until it came pre-installed on my Blackberry; this is the ONE issue with using it my account on a PC (the "outbound action" issue, and Evernote's refusal to address it) that has ensured that I don't convert to a paying subscription.
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