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Everything posted by Jaybird

  1. Yes, they stripped everything down to go their new web-based interface I guess, and now it just seems like we are waiting for it to get back to the feature set we had. Even Export suffered it seemed like which used to be my favorite thing about Evernote. Exporting the entire database is harder now last time I checked. Unfortunately I agree they will likely not give the "partial string search no matter where it exists in a word string" any effort anytime soon. I have been looking at OneNote more and more with the way things are going, and may look for other options also.
  2. I can deal with more hits by adding more words or a longer string or spaces, but when you get zero results your a little stuck if you don't know the magic prefix.
  3. Partial Word Searches are a needed part of any good search engine. I don't care if they make it a box you have to check everytime beside the search field with a popup warning that it make take a while. IT IS NEEDED! I just got done searching for "2450" to see if I had made any notes of what battery a smartthings multipurpose vibration sensor took. The search returned nothing so I took the time to create a note about it, only later to find I had two other notes with CR2450 in the notes, and had not thought to enter the full string when I did the search. This is the first well known database-like program I have ever used that doesn't have that feature. Not good. Jay Dearmond - Electrical & Software Engineer
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