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Everything posted by TheKnighWhoSaysNI

  1. I can confirm that this solution works. (Windows 11) CPU-usage to normal levels after doing this. No need to install a previous version.
  2. I can confirm that this solution works. (Windows 11) CPU-usage to normal levels after doing this. No need to install a previous version.
  3. In the past i already suggested it would be super useful if tasks would be showed in google Calendar (or outlook). At this moment i have some tasks or appointments in Evernote and Google Calendar. => I need to check both. Finetuning this: to avoid overcrowding of the Calendar: -This could be added as a subcalendar in Google calendar. (just like you can import a holiday-calendar) -Possibility to not show it if you don't wish it -Possibility to give the subcalendar another colour (Evernote Green ) -Add a checkmark in Evernote so you can chose to add the task to Google Calendar or not (for each task) (Or a default override) Evernote shouldn't try to be a calendar. It should be the preferred capture method, including the context. Praying for these futures
  4. First: For me tasks in Evernote really works. Beceause it suits my way of thinking. I have a subject (Note), where different tasks are forming. By setting due dates i get a task list for each day, and i never forget an important task. Problem: At the moment i use the tasks list by due date to monitor upcoming tasks. It only has the devisions: Overdue, Today, next 7 days. => I cant have a look at the tasks for tomorow or the taks of sunday. Possible solution: Tasks are synced with google agenda or outlook calendar. => I could have an easy view on the upcoming tasks of a certain day. Bonus points: -Possibility to place the task to another date in google calendar and evernote automaticly changes the due date in Evernote. -If a task gets deleted in google calendar, the task gets deleted in Evernote. -By clicking a link in the task of google calendar, the Evernote app opens the specific note -Possibility to chose to sync to google calendar or Outlook for each specific task -If a task isnt deleted or checked done, it gets transfered to the next day. (due date is changed)
  5. @gbarry First: Thnx for adding this. It are these types of integrations which are very useful! But: I open a link to a folder in the windows file manager. It opens the correct window (Hooray!) I close the window (file manager) Second time i try to open the link: It does open the file manager after 2 minutes. After clicking the link the second time, cpu usage is running constantly high 15 tot 25% CPU usage keeps at that level for a minute, even after the file manager window has opened #Betatesting anyone? Whats going wrong?
  6. @dtlow I agree. Basic search capabilities => Basic tier (now free) Advanced search capabilities should be there for users paying 60€/jaar!
  7. I 100% agree. Advanced search should be a fundamental feature. I can understand they want to make a new plan for professional users. But being able to search in a proper way isn't a feature that only professionals use. Or they should rename Personal to => "Grandmother subscription" Please don't hesitate to give your opinion over here if you agree! I personal(ly) feel betrayed. In the beta for tasks i made the remark you couldn't filter on stack level. This was a problem for me, beceause i did wan't to filter betweek work en home. Wel, now i know why they didn't activate filtering of stacks.... Not a technical issue.
  8. To give feedback. Today my original note is back again in correct formatting. I did restart my computer for a new working day. Did that make the difference? Anyway, i wouldn't like to see this happen in a official release.
  9. @PinkElephant I Understand. Anyway i think Evernote staff is actively monitoring this thread. It seems to be useful to see if other users are having the same problem or not. Feel free to upvote if you face the same issue. By using the task future i agreed to use a beta product, so i can live with this issue for now.
  10. I made a note (windows client) where tasks where arranged to a specific subject. After opening in android (updated to task edition), and adding a task (on the end)* I lost all formatting and tasks are now all on the beginning of the note. Not aranged to each subject. The subjects themself are still in the note, without the tasks.
  11. I have 2 main stacks: -Home -Work When i'm at home i only want to see the tasks related to home (stack). When i'm at work, i only want to see the tasks related to work (stack). I am only able to filter on notebooks- or notes level, not on stack level... This renders the task future useless for me. Update, I made a temporally workaround. I put a " . " before each work task and a " ' " before each home task. When filtering i can then chose " . " or " ' " => I really hope i wont need to do this all time long. Same problem for general notes, you cant filter to stacks. Altough this can be solved with search syntax Stack:....
  12. Evernote web changed for me too. (firefox) But i reallllllyyy like it. Killer future for me: (i have been waiting for this so long) I can now add an attachment to a place in the note where my cursor is. Before all attachments were added on the end of the note. I do not use tags or bullet lists, so no problem for me => For some people there will be regressions (changes). But for me this time a big thumbs up.
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