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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. I think(?) it depends if you install from the Windows store or direct but you can find out in version 10.59.5 (latest version) by going to settings --> preferences --> Application --> Advanced. You can also change the location of where your data is stored. I'm at ...AppData/Roaming/Evernote. There is no single database. Everything Evernote needs is stored as individual files so this folder can have many sub folders and files inside it depending on how many notes you have.
  2. Windows and Mac have a copy of all data stored on your hard drive in case of wifi going down or like me traveling a lot. You can use EN offline and then once reconnected sync the changes to the cloud. You can't do "local only" notebooks in version 10 but it does keep all your notes on your hard drive. The desktop version also has more functionality like import folders and export functionality.
  3. You can disable this warning in Settings --> Preferences --> Application --> Advanced. The warning should fire when the hard drive has only 5GB of free space.
  4. Its stores locally in case you lose internet connection and you'll still have access to notes and be able to edit/create. It also stores everything in the cloud as well so multiple devices have the same data. If you hang on a little the next version of Evernote comes with a feature to move the location of the locally stored data. Much easier to move things to a separate drive. Should be coming out within the next week or so.
  5. From what I remember I think it would take until 17th to completely roll out. I've not had it yet myself. Not sure if its a Google Play thing but Android roll outs seem to take a few days.
  6. This should not happen and I don't see this on 4 different PCs so something is probably wrong with your install. A few things to try: Do you have the old Legacy app open at the same time as the Version 10 app? This can cause problems as they use different note formats on the back end and things need to be converted. Try logging out and back in again. Try logging out, removing all your Evernote data and logging back in again. Give it a few hours for Evernote to download everything. If that doesn't work try uninstalling Evernote and all the Evernote data. use something like Revo installer. Then reinstall and wait for your notes to download. Finally contact support. You'll get a pretty instant auto-reply if the ticket goes through.
  7. 10.52 for Android should be out as of yesterday but it can take a few days for Google Play to deliver it for everyone.
  8. Can you explain how its stopped working properly? For me its really smooth, fast and working a treat right now.
  9. It can take a few days to work its way to everyone on the Google Play store but I believe its on its way!
  10. It does get very tiring. I think some folk just like trying out new apps and playing with things. I prefer to get some stuff done and try and be organised and productive. Its like walking into a Ford garage and asking them for the best deals on a Toyota 😂
  11. Some Mac folk will probably be along soon to help, I'm all PC but if you need to access notes quickly log onto the web version of EN.
  12. Yes. emails can take a couple of minutes to arrive sometimes. As PE said cmd-R to make a Reload, or Shift-cmd-R for a Force Reload will act as a sync button. If its any use you can add a tag and the notebook you want the email in by adding the info to the subject line: Email Subject: [Title of note] ![optional date for reminder] @[notebook] #[tag] https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005347-Save-emails-into-Evernote Might save a few minutes tagging and moving afterwards.
  13. What version of Evernote are you using? The sync is instant now very much like Google Docs and Word 365 where pretty much every character is synced instantly. There's not really any need for a sync button anymore. Are you having any sync issues?
  14. @macfixer I take no credit... thank @vladcampos for this video
  15. I think its heading to be a productivity app and I hope it continues this path and I think it could be very powerful. Evernote before V10 was really just a fancy note taker with great search and tagging. A lot of folks used this functionality to be productive, run their business, manage their clients... I did... but it was clunky and you would always need more than one app. Since V10 I've dumped Trello and Todoist, save a few pennies from each and have my 'productivity' (whatever that is) running inside EN much easier than with Legacy. Looking forward to what's in store over the next few years.
  16. Another kind of workaround could be to use AutoHotKey ot TextExpander to create the tasks. You could load a task free template up in EN and then insert the tasks using an AHK or TE shortcut command. Can't set dates but the tasks would be there.
  17. You can but be careful and I wouldn't have both open at the same time. V10 with the new sync uses a different type of note format on the backend so when you open a note it gets converted from legacy format to V10 format. If you then open the note in Legacy it needs to convert it back again. V10 is real time sync and not sync every few mins so a little different. Legacy will stop working so it may be an idea to look at your workflows and make changes if needed for V10.
  18. It works in Evernote Windows so it maybe a Grammarly issue or a Mac issue. The Evernote app for Windows and Mac is pretty much the same. It could be an idea to have a word with Grammarly support to see if they offer the integration.
  19. The only thing that comes to my mind is that at some point, maybe or maybe not, Evernote could decide to delete all notes in trash after XX amount of days. A saved search excluding an archive notebook might help.
  20. From what I've been told its when you get to 5% of free space left which obviously would be a lot if you have 2TB hard drive and not a lot if its 128GB. Maybe a dismiss button is needed? Not sure. Some folks dismiss warnings and then complain when what the warning said happens 'cos they forgot about the warning... if that makes sense😂
  21. Its coming soon. Not sure when but using a different drive for the Evernote database will be possible.
  22. @janndk Interesting. Just found the page and one of the image URLs is: https://asset.dr.dk/imagescaler/?protocol=https&server=smooth-storage.aptoma.no&file=%2Fusers%2Fdrf-dr%2Fimages%2F86209159.jpg%3Ft%5Bcrop%5D%5Bx%5D%3D0%26t%5Bcrop%5D%5By%5D%3D110%26t%5Bcrop%5D%5Bwidth%5D%3D2712%26t%5Bcrop%5D%5Bheight%5D%3D1526%26accessToken%3Dcab4d4161ee8b06171d6f49c8e0d4ac1dae64fefda4ce0c54ef0e334b18d285c&scaleAfter=crop&quality=70&w=480&h=270 The .jpg is right in the middle of the URL so maybe the clipper is having an issue realising its an image. It won't let me select images on https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket either but the images are again coded in a non-standard way. You can't copy any or right click and open image in a tab. As you say:
  23. Interesting. Have you tried again on a different site. I know there were some issues with images appearing at times a week ago. I got it working here on Win 10 with 10.58.3
  24. @janndk I asked the question as interested myself and the warning should appear when you're down to 5% free space left on the drive containing Evernote.
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