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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. The normal OCR search is staying and still works as far as I can see. It transcribed "have" to "had" on a very crumpled piece of paper I scanned but I was trying to test it!
  2. I've been testing it this morning and working really well on scanned paper docs and handwritten notes. Folks been asking for this since the dawn of time and its working great!
  3. @Mike P can you give me some instructions on how to replicate this so I can try, including which views you're in. I've just tried with resorting note lists and it worked fine. Myself and one of the other experts did some work with one of the devs on this last week and recorded a bunch of videos. Let me know how to reproduce this.
  4. Send activity files and the time it transcribed it to Welsh, this will be helpful for them to see the logs. They have noted it but without anyone who can reproduce it or give logs its difficult to analyse. It doesn't seem to be widespread. I've had 3 people contact me with the issue. I can't reproduce it and I live 6 miles from Wales! Tried over and over again. I've even tried speaking a bit of bad Welsh and then English in one sentence and it transcribes into the respective languages. Download the latest logs as soon as it happens again, send them in and let me know the ticket number and I can update my report with it. The Daily notes duplicate issue is if two devices are active very close to each other. I have it happen every now and then and they are working on it. One solution I would think is have the server create the note but that would mean if you're offline you wouldn't get a note created. The RENT update may help a little as this will speed up sync of stuff that isn't in the editor.
  5. Working OK here so no idea. Maybe not being rude to folk could help???
  6. Just checked internal links and note links and working as expected here. Try a log out and back in again.
  7. @Mike P and others.... 10.102.3 is out on the download page.
  8. Also check ad, cookie and tracker blockers are not preventing it from working. I think Firefox blocks things out of the box.
  9. Most likely because the main search engines respect the robots.txt and other blocking methods. Ai crawlers probably don't.
  10. What version are you on? There was an issue a couple of weeks ago displaying tags when using the filter. Doing a search for tag:<tag name> worked OK. Current version should be 10.101.7.
  11. This is impossible unless the content is behind a password login. You can restrict by using a robots.txt file or other methods but if the crawler ignores those methods there is nothing Evernote can do. If you are unsure then use the Share by email function so that folks need an account to login. There's nothing Evernote can do about this. If your URL is public then someone/anyone can get to it if they know/find the URL. This is also the same for any other service that uses a "anyone who has the link" URL. If someone manages to guess it, they can see it.
  12. Add Zoho Writer to the list... just launched it this morning and there's a slash command for lots of options, it seems to work in pretty much the same way as Evernote. Looks to be becoming a sort of standard way to work via the keyboard. EDIT: Zoho Writer also has a double slash '//' command which brings up AI options.
  13. Have you checked the web version of Evernote to see if they are in the correct place? Also try a log out, back in again and if that doesn't fix it a reinstall could work.
  14. I think you would need to contact Hookmark about the integration. Its something they would have to approach Evernote about rather than Evernote integrate with them. You can't get the evernote:/// link from mobile, just the https link but you can set your desktop app to open links in either the web or the desktop app. Its in the settings under Open Links In.
  15. Upload all your images in one go, click the image, hit enter and a line appear underneath between the images and you can type in text. Just tested it in Windows.
  16. Not sure what Hookmark is but you can get the app link using CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+C or the Mac equivalent. It'll be listed in the keyboard shortcut slide out. You can also remap this shortcut to whatever keys you want and it put the link onto your clipboard.
  17. One of your devices will most likely be logged in. Try them all see which one. The free plan is for one device and you can switch devices twice a month, you then have to wait until the next month to do more.
  18. ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+C and the mac equivalent gets you the internal app link. Publicly sharing a note hasn't changed much apart from some wording. I wrote a bit about the changes yesterday. Near the bottom https://www.tamingthetrunk.com/p/five-new-evernote-features-some-taming
  19. You need to reply to the auto generated email that you get. There should be some instructions in it.
  20. Try logging into Evernote web and seeing if you get the same issue with the notes. Also check all your notes are there. If everything looks OK on the web try a log out and back in again. See if that fixes it. Final solution would be to fully delete Evernote from your Mac and reinstall it using something like app cleaner.
  21. CTRL+ALT+L will grab a web https link but not formatted as HTML. Not entirely sure I'd want that. If I copy a link I want the link and not some <a href> bits along with. Think about this again isn't it the target application that pre-fetches the title when this happens, using the Open Graph data.
  22. Mine is sitting at around 1.2GB right now but I have 32GB on the machine. If I open EN on my laptop which has 8GB of RAM then it tends to use 600MB ish... I think it uses more if you have more RAM.
  23. I'm upvoting this. My workaround is to open Evernote web in a second monitor and leave it on the tasks page. I use the desktop app for all other work.
  24. The ticket number if you need it in at the end of the ticket URL. Looks like its 3952189.
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