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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. @AlbertR Yeah, just the server side plus good documentation as well! I'm building a training hub/portal thing for a client on top of Zoho CRM and the API is very powerful, I can do almost anything but the documentation is hard work 😂
  2. I think the biggest benefit for Evernote of an open API would be getting more stuff into the app and increasing usage. If you can link other software to automatically send stuff to EN then it instantly becomes more valuable. Better links with IFTTT, Gmail, Outlook etc and Evernote devs won't need to build these connections, others can.
  3. Just checked and all working OK on Win 10 and 10.66.5. Got a share email in less than a minute and can copy link in the share pop-up. Trying doing a logout, keep the data log back in to see if it resets anything. Then try the logout, remove data and log back in. Then the PITA full reinstall!
  4. Not heard anything. I can't imagine they wouldn't update the API so I'm hoping once the new backend is finished they'll work on it, at least to include tasks.
  5. Oh yeah. Surprised me as well. I thought I was the only one who didn't use tags
  6. From what I remember of ancient conversations, the old Evernote team, when building Version 10 looked at the function/feature usage very carefully and a lot of things that were permanently removed possibly had extremely low usage. I remember in some podcast the former CEO, Ian Small said something along the lines of tags were used by less than 5% of users, this was years ago but If correct, tag sorting usage would probably be much less. Not good if you use it but you were after a why to tag sorting being removed. Still, the closest workflow to legacy is still version 10.
  7. I have my EN database stored locally on a 256GB SD card that's always plugged into the laptop. Works well and none of the C drive is used. In perferences you can move the database to a different drive. I think just for paid plans (not sure) and only for direct download version of Evernote, not the app store downloads.
  8. The alternative to legacy is version 10. Any other app will be a bigger workflow/feature change.
  9. You see this conversation always ends the same. Whenever I ask for real world examples on what problem the graph would solve for Evernote, after a few times of asking I usually get told that I don't understand it or my usage is so basic that I should not bother because I'm too simple. Instead of insulting I would love to know what problem it solves for a note taking/productivity app. BTW video views (approx 30 seconds viewed) are no measure of a feature being useful... maybe most folk just think they look pretty, which is fine and why they watch the videos. I prefer to get stuff done.
  10. Sorry but I still don't see what real world problem is being solved here in a note taking/productivity app. I know many academics and Phd students who use Evernote for research and use notebooks, tags, backlinks and even their own ways of relating notes to each other. I still can't see how a graph feature helps a note taking app, the scale is too small. Now if Evernote was a giant global repository that multiple universities and scientists piled millions of items of data into then yes, a graph feature would be useful, but Evernote is pretty much a personal/small team note/productivity app. Can't use Apple Notes as I have PCs. I've not read the book either but it has 3000 reviews on Amazon so must be pretty good I would imagine.
  11. I understand the theory but still can't see what real world problems it solves in a note/project app. I would imagine the vast majority of folk tag/file/organise their notes so the relationships are there. Others may use backlinks or other ways to connect their notes. Knowledge Graphs can certainly help companies like Google or huge global prjects where there are millions of disconnected items of information and finding relationships is important but this scale doesn't happen in a note app. I can't think of an actual real world situation where a graph would help in a note taking/productivity app, apart from looking cool.
  12. When the API gets updated to work with the new backend and any new features I think opening it up for 3rd party devs would be a good idea. Having some sort plugin system like Obsidean/Joplin would be a very bad idea! I do WordPress consulting and issues ALWAYS come from third party plugins and themes. Most are hobby projects and when devs lives change the project gets dumped and folks websites break. I think using the API to build upon EN would be a good idea but not building within the app.
  13. I don't understand the graph thing at all apart from being able to show off pretty graphs on social media. No one has been able to give me a "what real world problem does this solve" answer for a note taking / productivity app. But then maybe the apps that built this did it for marketing, they look pretty and will drive attention.
  14. Sort of. They are rendered on the client side as HTML with some custom additions for tasks and whatnot. If you export as an ENEX file you still get a sort of HTML XML file again with extras. I believe the backend storage is very different now though which is why legacy notes have to go through the conversion.
  15. That's logging into Evernote web. Did you use the link in the post above which is for support.
  16. Once you log in there's a drop-down box for billing.
  17. You can right click a notebook and export all of it. Are all the notes in a single notebook? Could you change the workflow so they are?
  18. Quick other points. All the Evernote clients use async processes to communicate data to the server. Hardly any new page loads. I also believe all clients use WebAssembly and SQLite databases locally. There is also full real time editing where multiple folk can edit the same note without locking. If notes are taking 2 - 6 seconds to appear then it could be they are being converted from the old legacy format to the new version 10 format. This can take a moment depending on the size of the note. Once converted if you stick with version 10 notes should open instantly. If you go back and forth from legacy to version 10 then notes need to be converted to the old/new format each time so try and stick with version 10 if you can for the best experience.
  19. @VincentC Just tried it "Whats my Green Flag breakdown policy number" and it gave me the number straight away. It read the contents of the PDF and got it from there. Perfect. Yes, 4 notes as far as I know. When you Ai search, EN decides if its a filter request or an answer request, sends the query to the Ai which gets back an EN search query which looks at your notes. The best 4 are picked, sent to the Ai for the question. A process! Not sure if you saw this post but it goes into the process a little more. https://tamingthetrunk.substack.com/p/evernote-ai-powered-search-tips-and
  20. @VincentC Those are great examples and thanks. I'm creating slightly different note titles now when I store documents. My breakdown cover renewal came yesterday and I would usually title the note "Breakdown Cover" this time I wrote it as "Car Breakdown Cover Green Flag Nov 2023". In the future If I want Ai to look something up like a policy number its going to have a better chance understanding what I'm after.
  21. Its not something I'm experiencing myself. What device are you using? Are you on the latest version?
  22. I think that was true. You don't ask people what they want, you ask them what problems they have and then go solve them.
  23. As far as I know it was released on Monday and Google send it out of 5 - 7 days so everyone should have the update by Sunday.
  24. From the response emails I've seen I think they are restructuring the department. On top of this SMS 2 factor auth was removed 2 weeks ago and there's a big push to get the remaining legacy software users onto version 10. I think all this together adds up to some temporary delays.
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