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Chris VC

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Everything posted by Chris VC

  1. I just enjoy the simplicity of the legacy. Honeslty the new app looks like some kids "my first note app". The loading and graphics are slower and it's not as streamlined. The lines are not even clean, like bubble graphics and texts. Only way I can really explain it. I want something fast, efficient, easy to use and move around.
  2. I make hundreds of notes a day, even when I start it I CLICK IN THE TITLE area, and guess what? It shoots me back down to the body. Taken those 5 seconds, over thousands of notes a week, it adds up. An option of "start new note in body/title" is incredible simple programming.
  3. Wow that is so bad. I finally got it t work. Even when I'm scrolling down, nothing is highlighting and there is the evernote "elephant" with a circle throughout implying it's not an operation. For the record I'm using legacy. I tried the new evernote and it was freezing my new yoga and it looked like a kids app. I'm too afraid to see if it's got any better.
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