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Everything posted by ASDFGHKKL

  1. Here is another example. I'm writing some notes on the Scala programming language which includes lots of built in functions composed of punctuation marks. The function to perform a 'fold right' on a list is a colon followed by a backslash which is converted to 😕 . The option to put a space between the characters is not a solution as that does not have the same meaning in Scala. The option to use a code block is a work around, but an annoying one because I am not writing code. I am writing text which happens to include the operators. Please fix As someone above said, I am writing technical documents. Forcing this feature is a severe limitation. I think though that emojis are a GREAT optional feature. I like them, but they are preventing me from writing the notes I need to write.
  2. Hi @gazumped, thanks for the response. Yeah I have upvoted and done all that stuff. I'm not expecting it to be actioned though. Just started looking around for something more suitable for my purposes. Really, the only reason I commented at all is because you mentioned in the thread (more than once I think) that you could not think of a reason why someone would want to have the feature turned off, so I thought I'd give you an example. Have a nice day
  3. Hi gazumped, I just would like to explain to you one situation in which automatic hyperlinks are incredibly unhelpful/annoying. First of all I do understand why most people would want this feature and I do not object to it being the default behaviour, but the lack of an option to not turn it off is unbelievably annoying for people with legitimate cases to not want it. In my cases, many of my notes relate to computer science/networks/Internet technology. Therefore I am regularly writing notes which include examples of what code/settings/other stuff look like. These very often include Internet addresses/other URLs/file locations/other URIs/email addresses/IP addresses which do not exist and have only been used to demonstrate an example of some concept. Even in the case where the linked item does exist, the link is not wanted, as the text was only entered to serve as an example, and not because I wanted a handy way to get there. For example, http://example.com/ exists, but I have only used it as an example. I don't want a link to it. Have a nice day
  4. Yeah, a lot of the notes I make are related to network and Internet technology. I very very often include dummy URLs/URIs that do not exist, just as examples of what the settings or contents of some network/Internet technology should look like. This means my notes are filled with links that look like they should be links, but are not links, and just lead nowhere. Get rid of them please!
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