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Everything posted by blakesphere

  1. hi there... Blake here... original poster. i still feel strongly about this issue in general. Again, here's a simple use-case situation: i re-read an old note and see a typographical error. I fix the mistake. Evernote updates the record of course. With the new "updated" date field, it shows at the top of list when maybe it was 6 months old. In Legacy Evernote, I could alter the update date field and put it back to the original date, when it was created. I have many another use-cases I could share. I have many examples of how this is treated in other database applications. I do believe this is a minor oversight and I still feel it should be corrected. It is not wide-used but it will make us very happy. Thank you for your time, Blake
  2. I support this request. I raised it with support and in the discussion forums. I regularly change tags and book/folder for notes and the UPDATED date is revised. This is a new behaviour in Evernote 10; the legacy versions did not do this. I've argued that moving a note from one book to another should not change the date - a primary use-case is MISFILED notes. If I create a note in the wrong folder, and a month later discover this, I do not want it showing as edited today. This irks me so much I keep Legacy Evernote 6 on a different computer to correct the improperly dated notes... Blake
  3. If I was designing a system with tags, it would be a many-to-many relationship in the database structure. So tags in a tags table joined (directly or indirectly) to the notes table.
  4. Do we have an official response from the Evernote dev team? I often edit notes for typos, formatting. I do not want them to bubble to the top. The Windows legacy client allowed this. Now the new products don't. I too find it odd that the Created date can be revised but not both in the new products. I worry this is philosophical (but again, why give access to any date?). Will this field be opened up? If not, I'm going to have to figure out a different way to sort. Which will surely be a hack. So, any new news?
  5. Hi. That Support Ticket page is broken...
  6. Hi. I like the reverse date order for notes, right? That's the default. In the past, in Windows client, I could change the Updated Date on a note. I didn't do this often but it was helpful from an organisational point of view. Use case... Old note, say from last month, with a simple typographical error. Spelled a person's wrong, for example. I would fix the typo. The note was bubble to the top of the list and show as modified 1 minute ago. Then I would change the Updated Date to make it go back into the previous month. I did this because it was, in my view, an insignificant update, an error in the note. Not a change in the content, arguably. Under normal circumstances, when I add new stuff, new text, images, etc., or delete in a note, sure, I let it do it's thing. Curiously, in my 10.17.6 for Windows, I can change the Create date but not the Updated date... cheers, Blake
  7. My task bar issue aside, Sawyer's most recent instructions work. I hacked my BATch file in a number of ways but I know DOS. 😉 My notes have a medium grey background. My notes list shows with a grey background. I include my working code only as an example. YMMV. c:\sysutil\sfk176 rep Evernote.exe -text -case /#F8F8F8/#bbbbbb/ -yes I made the divider line between the notes (nearly) black. Again, take this with a grain of salt... c:\sysutil\sfk176 rep Evernote.exe -text -case /#E6E6E6/#333333/ -yes I don't really care but when I hover on a note to select it, it goes dark grey. The text within is barely visible. And the currently active note in the list is white. Again, I don't really care. With the so called "dark theme" for the navigation folder area and my grey list and grey notes, now 80 to 85% of the screen is NOT eye-melting eye. Mr Sawyer's update is a big step forward. Blake
  8. @RavBoy Try without the space character after the colon in the search and then the replace content.
  9. I'm very confused. I know this is not strictly a colour/appearance issue but I can't seem to figure out what's up with my Evernote software. Windows 10, 32-bit. I regularly work in the "client application" and all seems business as usual. When starting my computer, I click the pinned icon button in taskbar and the application starts. If I check the version of this, it reports (309091) Public (CE Build ce-62-6-10954). And the colour changes I have been trying are not working here. That was throwing me. I was modified my EVERNOTE.EXE file in the default location and SFK was giving good feedback but I wasn't seeing the changes. On a whim, I launched EVERNOTE.EXE from the default application folder and discovered the version it reports is (308538) Prerelease (CE Build ce-62.3-7750). And the colour changes by the EN-COLOR.BAT are working. I used some crazy colours to verify it. So I thought, oh, seems I have two application folders and the pinned button on the taskbar is launching a different one. So I conducted system-wide search and I only find one, a single instance of EVERNOTE.EXE. Then I start digging into the "source" of the app icon in the taskbar. In the old days of Windows, they were shortcuts so you'd simply follow the breadcrumbs to the original application folder to find the program. I guess I haven't been paying attention because taskbar icons are a different beast. That got me thinking that there's something going on with a Win 10 "app" vs a full Windows "application." I dove into the control panel settings, Apps & Features, found Evernote. The version is noted as 6.25.9091.0. That just doesn't seem to make any sense. Am I running an "app" or the "application?" I though those Win10 apps were scaled down, with a dramatically different interface, mimicking a phone. I just looked at the list of apps in the Settings. I see Evernote, installed 3/7/2020, no version, no size, square white background; and Evernote v. 6.19.1 at 313 MB from 24/6/2019, square grey background. It DOES look like I have two "products" installed... Weird. Anyway, my simple question right now is, where the heck is the software? blake
  10. Update to the update! It does work. Note list and note colour is changing. Well done! I'm sorting out a different issue which at first blush looks like I have Evernote installed in different places...?!?! Blake
  11. Update as of Thursday. I'm trying your batch process. It's finding the parts and changing them but I'm not seeing colour changes in the app. I'm probably doing something stoopid. I've done this before, a few times, successfully. In fact, I took the colours from an older copy of my BAT file. I'll keep trying... Blake
  12. And I tested on Evernote Web. The "new" Web product shows single shared notes in the All Notes display. Those shared notes cannot be deleted. The MOVE TO, DUPLICATE, and DELETE NOTE commands are all dimmed. I use the All Notes view a lot. So, again, my worry is that if a lot of shared notes are sent to me my All Notes display will be noisy.
  13. Sorry, forgot to relay the Evernote deets: Evernote 6.17 (updated last week) Windows 10
  14. I recently started using the sharing features in Evernote and overall I like that I see. However, if another user shares a note with me and it is not relevant or current, I don't see any way that I, on the recipient end, can get rid of it. To be clear, I'm not talking about a shared notebook. I know I can delete that. I'm talking about single shared notes. In the Windows desktop client, they are listed in my All Notes. I could see if this was poorly handled that my All Notes could get overwhelmed with other people's stuff. So am I missing something? When I right-click a shared note in the the notes list, there's no MOVE NOTE TO TRASH command. My DELETE key does nothing. It seems that currently the only way to have it not show in my All Notes is to get the owner to unshare the note. Thanks in advance. regards, Blake Evernote fan Plus level advanced user
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