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Posts posted by rdeco

  1. For my Shopping List note, I am the only user and I sync regularly. Still, sometimes the note does not sync between my computer and phone, and I get Conflicting Changes document(s). While I have found info the Help section that says I can manually check and clean up the documents, then delete the Conflicting Changes (and this is what I have been doing), it is unreasonably tedious. I cannot find any way to compare documents to make this a reasonable cleanup task. As far as I can tell, there is no way in Evernote to compare documents.

    1) I request that Evernote create a way to compare documents. (or let me know if there is a way to do this)

    2) In trying to research this and contact Evernote regarding this, the best Contact option I could find resulted in instructions to "submit a ticket". Then, I could not find a way to submit a ticket. As far as I can tell, this forum is my only option to attempt to contact anyone regarding this issue.

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