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Everything posted by ZheWeiXP

  1. same here. I've been wondering why doesn't Evernote already include this feature for its user. I have to use the snipping tool on my pc to snapshot some portion of an article and than manually attach the picture again to combine them into one note. It's still fine, until it comes to a time when i actually need to get down a portion of the web document, let say it's a part within the middle and it's more than a page (involves scrolling down). None of the clipping functions support this as articles include the whole page while screenshot capture what's available within the screen only. So each time i need to save sth like that i need to use the snipping tool on my pc n capture multiple shots before combining them into one fluent structure, which is very time consuming. Any ways to get things easier? Or evernote simply doesn't support such features yet?
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