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About Vselep

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  1. I just upgraded to the latest version of Evernote on my IOS because it was blowing up everytime I tried to save anything. BOY to I regret that! Where is the sync button? I don't like the new format since I was used to the old one where I could see notebooks and notes or something...I can't figure out why you think this is better. Anyway, I added some stuff on my iPhone and wanted to annotate i on my MAC because of the lack of tools on IOS for tables and stuff, and I can't get it to sync. I finally waited a half hour and it showed up, but I wanted to do it right away.
  2. I agree. I’m using this on an iPad trying to follow directions and check off steps as I go. I go do the step, but it it takes a while to get the step done and the iPad shuts off, I have to wait for FOREVER to get it to refresh. It then puts me at the top of the instructions rather than where I was looking. Nothing changed in the last 5 minutes so why refresh it? I can change to another app and when I come back it also refreshes. Very annoying, but I do love Evernote in general.
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