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Everything posted by ever_coffee

  1. I'm having problems with search on current Evernote version for Android, 8.9. Went on chat these days and they send me the step by step provided in this thread, to downgrade to previous version after uninstalling it through Google Play Store, and installing an APK through their link. They say they recommend this downgrade since the new version has bugs. I'm not comfortable with installing APKs in my phone because I don't know how they work on the system. Or would it be ok to do it? They say it's not harmful and that I can later update it through Google Play Store when a fixed release is available.
  2. @Scott T., thank you very much for your reply. I've read Ian's post, I totally agree with the priorities. It's great to know there's hope for Linux and that it is a concern that'll be addressed soon. Let's move on, and long live EN!
  3. @DTLow, what I really want is to be able to work offline, and Evernote has practically everyting I need, from everywhere I gather, PDF libraries, plannings, ideas... That's the main reason. Regarding the web version differences, I like the new interface, closer to the desktop experience, and the fact it incorporates full tables options and templates.
  4. Thanks for your post, since it reveals good alternatives to Evernote for Linux. I'm a Linux user myself and have been struggling with the EN web version for years. I had to install Chrome to have full new interface for the web version, and everytime I need a reminder or access stacks, I have to switch back to the old version, which is a terrible solution for an app that should work seamlessly. I tried Nixnote desktop, but it's not at all a substitute for EN desktop (besides, there are compatibility issues with formatting, font sizes, etc.)
  5. @Scott T., thanks for your information regarding the (lack of) Firefox new web client and the updates on a Linux Client. I hope that with all the changes that EN have faced in 2018, we Linux users could really have some hope. Regarding Firefox support for the new web client, are there any updates?
  6. Hello, I'm a heavy Evernote user and a Premium subscriber. I'm also a Linux user in some of the computers I use, and I was surprised to see that newest updates on the web version are not compatible to Firefox (the newest Firefox!). I'm forced to use Chrome/Safari or use an older version if I insist on Firefox. I find it extremely disappointing to Firefox users and a nod to Linux users that a desktop solution for Linux - something that we are waiting for years - is being totally dismissed. I really hope is something temporary and I would like to hear if other users or Evernote employees can offer other - and more hopeful - information on this topic. Thanks in advance.
  7. I believe Evernote will bring recurring reminders in the near future. Anyway, as I said, I don't use Keep instead of EN, but only to cover for recurring reminders for the task planning in EN.
  8. Greetings, I've been using Google Keep to set recurring reminders based on Evernote task planning. It has worked like a charm so far with my workflow, and you can even send them to Evernote, to remind that you have completed them, or to remind you to add them to your planning note. Another option, already mentioned here, is to use Sunrise Calendar. Although I use Sunrise also, I find it faster to manage recurring reminders via Keep. FollowUpThem is interesting, but Keep covers for all my needs with a simpler and neat interface.
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