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Posts posted by goodguy3000hd

  1. My Evernote thread CPU burn seems completely random -- sometimes stuck at 5% until I close the app, sometimes none. I've not noticed that it's predictable like any of the recent posts have suggested (e.g., a plain-text note of a few sentences in focus will burn my CPU cycles indefinitely at times, other times, not). Usually (but not always), re-opening the app will make it behave until perhaps a sleep/hibernate cycle?

    Anyway, I suppose the devs (if enough are still there) have already fixed it for the next release. In either case, typing in this forum won't likely make much difference in getting it fixed.

  2. Thanks for the replies. I'm back to v6.13.13, so I don't have more debug info. If there aren't others experiencing this, then I'll assume I've a rare disorder.

    Misc. info:

    • I didn't reboot between installs. Used the same database file (AFAIK, no big download of my notes).
    • v6.13.13 doesn't seem to run the CPU to index, so unless the newer version wants a new index structure, that doesn't seem the case.
    • I believe I remember the CPU thread was something called "evernote subtask" or some name like that beneath the Evernote task--it wasn't very descriptive.


  3. After the latest release [ (307881) Public (CE Build ce-53.2.6641)], it seems I'll walk back in the room after a short break to a loud CPU fan, and the Task Manager shows Evernote taking at least 10% CPU (after I pull up Task Manager--it could have been higher before I pressed a key). Switching to the open Evernote window doesn't stop its CPU use, but closing Evernote completely stops the high-CPU thread.

    Is Evernote now mining bitcoin to help their financials?

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