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Everything posted by TK0047

  1. Yes, tried it before. Now tried it on a different computer at the house, note is in blank in the V10 app. Online shows the content although formatting is different and is not as clean as the version on V6.25. Submitted a ticket request.
  2. For the first time I experienced the same thing. I have a note in the shortcuts, when I open it in V10, the title is there but the note is blank. I can see it in V6.25. So the note is there but V10 does not display it. My other notes are ok, not sure how many are like that of course.
  3. I use the V6.25 for work which is through remote desktop since I need speed to do my job. I have the V10 on my personal PC at home and on the local PC at work. I am not aware of any issues running both versions. One comment I had read from an Evernote staff was not to run both of them at the same time. But switching back and forth seems to be ok. I do agree with your speed comments and freezing issues. I hope those will go away soon....very soon.
  4. You can modify your windows settings to make it black when selected. https://www.onmsft.com/how-to/how-to-get-dark-theme-title-bars-in-windows-10-without-changing-your-accent-colour When the window is not selected, this is what I have still ↓ There might be a way to change that too (when unselected) but I did not go into that trouble. Check that article, it might show you that too. Hope this helps.
  5. 10.5 seems to have brought bunch of keyboard shortcuts back which is nice but F3 to tag which I use ALL THE TIME, still is inconsistent. I hope one of these release will fix it one day.
  6. Good question. It is always a good idea to evaluate one's workflow to make sure it is always improving and the best solution given that a lot changes with technology these days. What I like about Evernote and how I use it is that Evernote is the center of my workflow. So even if I use Google Drive or DropBox, it is referenced in Evernote so I don't have to look at numerous places. This is where the tagging comes in handy too. So with any cloud storage, you kind of rely on the folder structure. But with Evernote I can use multiple tags which helps me find a document very easily. So instead of saving a bank statement into DropBox or somewhere, I save it to Evernote since I can retrieve it so much faster. I create daily work notes about anything I work on. Or any ideas I might have. I keep receipts, tax documents, any maintenance items related to the house or the cars etc. So my note number grows quickly but with proper tagging I can retrieve it quickly. Sure there are very old notes, I am sure I don't need frequently or even need at all but I wouldn't spend the time to clean it up, that beats the purpose of a productivity app IMHO. For example, I receive a class action suit settlement about car repairs for a car I owned back in 2012 and I have receipts saved to Evernote for it. Yeah I sold the car, I could have deleted that, but that maintenance information is quickly available to me via Evernote. I don't have to go do DropBox then to Vehicles then to maintenance etc. So after this long answer to your "what type of notes", I pretty much save everything to Evernote.
  7. This is a really good point. And this is why power users are more important than what EN thinks. If you have couple of hundred notes, you can switch apps quickly or you probably won't pay for anything anyway. But the people who are trying to capture and manage all this massive information flow which is going to get worse and use an app for "external brain", those people need an app that work for their needs and they can be committed to an app for years to come. They will drive the revenue boat for the company if you can keep them loyal by providing an app that suits their needs. I am biased of course since I would consider myself a power user but trying to make the app appeal to the masses while not serving the "core" base does not seem right to me. You can have a strip down version for the masses if you would like but upsetting the power user at that expense is questionable for me.
  8. I was just monitoring to see how mine did at work. It used to be worse before the recent updates but it seems like it is consuming the most memory just sitting there. I had Chrome in the foreground and running, I was not doing anything in Evernote. On the remote desktop the legacy version of Evernote seems to be less than Chrome If V10 was faster than I wouldn't mind the more memory usage etc. but right now V6 is still faster. Obviously, now they are completely different apps fundamentally, I get that but in the end I will evaluate the speed and practicality of using the app whether electron, local database, or whatever.
  9. As I am editing notes, I keep getting these warnings and duplicate notes. Not sure why it is creating conflicting notes. Is this a third party integration issue? Anybody having similar problems?
  10. As I make changes to a note, while I am editing, the note "refreshes" and my edits are gone. Or I will get a warning saying that there is another version of this note. They are not technically conflicting notes since they are not in that notebook, but I am having duplicates of the same note. Besides major issues of not having the confidence that my edits are there, it is very annoying to end up with duplicates of notes. It also happens when I edit the title of a brand new note. I will type, hit tab to go to the body...all of a sudden the title is cut out, like it only accepted partial key strokes. Are these happening to anyone else?
  11. To have that piece of mind that our stuff is there and not disappearing is what Evernote is (or should be) all about. I've experienced missing image files, screenshots and it is very frustrating since I cannot take the same screenshot anymore. Having that confidence and trust that our stuff is always there no matter how old the note, is super valuable. Now I am experiencing issues during my testing of V10, some of the edits I know I did is no longer there, or the tagging I had done. And once I moved that note after my proper tagging, I don't go back to check in that notebook, in my mind I processed that note and dispatched it accordingly for retrieval later based on the tags. I hope this is a temporary issue and not going to linger for a long time. Finger crossed.
  12. Yes! Once I click on the tag area to tag then click somewhere else, F3 starts to work. Otherwise, new note, title then edit the body...hit F3...nothing most of the time.
  13. Tagging is still slow for me but what bugs me more is the F3 for the tag shortcut is still not working. I have to use the mouse to get to the tagging every time almost. It does sometimes work but that is less frequent than not working.
  14. Not sure if I had the same problem but it sounds similar to the problem I had. It makes a copy of the note as a "conflicting copy" and not sure why it does it since I am only editing the note in one location. It appeared to be a syncing problem to me but I am not sure.
  15. Agreed. This is simple yet powerful and a great communication tool. It can increase accountability too. Just looking at theirs gives you confidence and reassurance. I would LOVE to see something like this from Evernote developers.
  16. I am having a problem with the stuff I "share" within the phone. When I open Evernote app, there is a gray bar and it says "Importing....4 clips remaining" and the arrows keep circling...circling....and circling. So those 4 things I shared never makes it and I don't know what they are now. So it is just GREAT! I used to hit share and select Evernote and I knew the stuff I shared whether a PDF document or a screenshot will be in my Evernote but now you cannot rely on that. Frustrating since I already uninstalled and installed the app to solve this problem with the previous shares and it was working up until now.
  17. F3 to tag is still inconsistent in 10.3. It works once then I go into the note body and type away, then hitting F3 does nothing. I switch to title with F2 that works, try F3 again, nothing, go back into the note body, try F3 again nothing. Click on the note, try it there, stops working. Please fix F3 so we can switch to Tags and away from tags quickly, anytime as long as a note selected.
  18. Make Evernote Fast Again! 🙂 Thank you for contributing to the forum and it is always good to hear from staff directly for sure, at least for me.
  19. Is anybody having speed issues from having V6.25 and V10 installed on the same machine and using both?
  20. My local desktop Evernote V10 seems to be a lot better compared to what it used to. It still is not near the same speed as the V6.25 but at least it is more responsive, I can type and see what I am typing instead of waiting for the words to appears. I still have an issue with moving a note, and still seeing that note in the notebook I am in for a while before it goes to the next note for me to process in that notebook. My issue is the "remote desktop" version. That is what I use for work and it still is not workable. I click on a note, nothing happens for a while, typing is super slow. So that one on the remote desktop is not something I can use. I do, however, wonder why that one is so slow?! I mean we have a lot of other apps on that remote server that I use and they operate normally. It cannot be the internet speed either. I may try an uninstall and reinstall. Has anybody used the new version over a remote desktop connection?
  21. Did the ability to annotate image files go away too? I cannot annotate or crop this image in Evernote anymore. Update on the issue → This is a SVG file, so it looks like I cannot edit that. JPG and PNG seem to be working.
  22. Good points. After exploring, I was surprised to find some really great products and some with the stuff we have been patiently waiting for. I really would like to hear A, B and C addressed very soon officially. That would be really awesome.
  23. I downloaded 10.2 after my post. Did not realize that was out there since CHECK FOR UPDATES did not say anything. But F2 now seems to working, F3 continues to be a hit & miss for sure. At least they seem to be releasing updates more quickly than before, let's hope that continues.
  24. Update on my status. App seems to be faster so at least I can test it out which is good. I have to have the F2 and F3 shortcuts to efficiently move around the software. F3 is a hit and miss. It sometimes get me to the tags sometimes nothing. It needs to work consistently and anywhere in the app. F2 is a must for me too, I want to be get to the title and then into the note with the keyboard. I hope these can be fixed with the next update at least.
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