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About mystrangeworld

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  1. anyone else being able to assist me? can i have up to 12 widegts of any sire on my home dashboard? yes/no can i see both month view and day view of calendar widegte if set to largest size? yes/no cab i have up to 3 scratch pads on my home dashbaord? yes/no can i see the numbe rof completed and uncompleted tasks in each note from the notes widget? yes/no
  2. dear jon/t thank you i tried but did not find anything else so in summary my understanding can i have up to 12 widegts of any sire on my home dashboard? yes/no can i see both month view and day view of calendar widegte if set to largest size? yes/no cab i have up to 3 scratch pads on my home dashbaord? yes/no can i see the numbe rof completed and uncompleted tasks in each note from the notes widget? yes/no ?
  3. yes what would be the answers? can i have up to 12 widegts of any sire on my home dashboard? yes/no can i see both month view and day view of calendar widegte if set to largest size? yes/no cab i have up to 3 scratch pads on my home dashbaord? yes/no can i see the numbe rof completed and uncompleted tasks in each note from the notes widget? yes/no
  4. dear pink elephant, let's assume the highest subscription tier. best,
  5. can i have up to 12 widegts of any sire on my home dashboard? can i see both month view and day view of calendar widegte if set to largest size cab i have up to 3 scratch pads on my home dashbaord? can i see the numbe rof completed and uncompleted tasks in each note from the notes widget? my undertsanding being: yes for can i have up to 12 widegts of any sire on my home dashboard? cab i have up to 3 scratch pads on my home dashbaord? can i see both month view and day view of calendar widegte if set to largest size no for can i see the numbe rof completed and uncompleted tasks in each note from the notes widget?
  6. Dear pink elephant, thnak you I am aware of it as an EN consultant. was only mentioning that in the web version it is not possible to move a note from a private account to a business notebook - which is possible on the desktop and mobile version. bets regards
  7. Dear EN team, congrats for the slick interface. Would be nice to have to be able to move resp copy a note from a private account to the related business account. Best regards,
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