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Sayre Ambrosio

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Sayre Ambrosio last won the day on March 13 2023

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About Sayre Ambrosio

  • Birthday 05/02/1981

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  1. Hello. I saw your suggestion re the “view only” locked notes. As suggested, I tagged all of my notes and everything was OK for a few days. Now all of my notes are locking again.  Have you seen any other solutions to this problem?



    1. Sayre Ambrosio

      Sayre Ambrosio

      Hi Bilzer,

      Unfortunately there's no permanent fix yet. Just the temporary one of tagging. You aren't alone in it locking the notes again. While it is tedious, going through the process of tagging will work multiple times until there's a fix. I know the team is working on it, but can't tell you much more than that as I'm a user like you.

      If I run into anything helpful I'll make sure to post it :)

    2. bilzer


      Thanks much.  So far I’m just having trouble w my iPad & iPhone.  My 2 windows laptops are Ok so far.  Do you know if the problem has been any better with Mac or android or anything else other than IOS?


    3. bilzer


      Thanks much.  So far I’m just having trouble w my iPad & iPhone.  My 2 windows laptops are Ok so far.  Do you know if the problem has been any better with Mac or android or anything else other than IOS?


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