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Sayre Ambrosio

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Sayre Ambrosio last won the day on March 13 2023

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About Sayre Ambrosio

  • Birthday 05/02/1981

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  1. Hello. I saw your suggestion re the “view only” locked notes. As suggested, I tagged all of my notes and everything was OK for a few days. Now all of my notes are locking again.  Have you seen any other solutions to this problem?



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bilzer


      One other question.  Do you know if anyone has been able to switch back to older an older version of EN? Has this helped?



    3. Sayre Ambrosio

      Sayre Ambrosio

      You're welcome. :) So far the bug is just messing up the iOS Devices. I know some are having issues on both iPhone an iPad and others it's just one of their iOS devices. I personally have only ran into it on my iPhone. Not sure about Android or Windows. When it comes to the Mac I haven't had any issues.

      For older versions of the app, you can roll back to the legacy on Mac and Windows. I'll attach the link below in case you don't have it. When it comes to iOS, there is no way to roll back that's easy. I think some have tried rolling back with an old iPhone backup but unless you know how to do that or your phone is Jailbroken (which I don't recommend)  the only option is what is offered in the App Store.


    4. Jbarstow


      Frustrating bug causing view-only notes on iOS. Thanks for the tip - Added a tag and it allowed an edit.

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