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Everything posted by CoreParadox

  1. For Mac, you would have to download the .jar file, you would also need java installed on your system, which it may already be. But I can't say for sure if the app still works correctly, it was a really sloppily hacked together app anyhow. But I messaged you what I'm using now, since I found it distasteful to post on Evernote's forums.
  2. https://github.com/CoreParadox/EvernoteLinkInNote/releases From there you can just download the .exe or .jar, but i'm no longer using Evernote so I have no intention to update or improve this app. If you would like to maintain it feel free to make pull requests.
  3. Hmm, interesting! I tried that method first and it was unsuccessful, could've been a quirk with windows, or something else! I'll revisit it when I have more time
  4. @CoreParadox: May I ask why the link would start with "file:///"? I actually haven't got time to run your program yet, but I seem to remember that in the Evernote OSX client, a link of this form would take you to the "Finder". Good question, that's just the way I was able to get it to work, How do your links work?
  5. well, it's written in java, so the ".jar" executable will run on windows, mac, or linux, and could be easily ported to android! However, I am not familiar with applescript, but the project is open source, so if you are familiar with it and can loosely read java it probably wouldn't be too hard to port! I'll work on a web app version of it soon, like within the next 2 days
  6. Basically, from top to bottom, you can see the document is rather long, so I want to make the text "info section" link to the header "Info section" so for the jump name you can specify anything as long as there are no jumps with that name in your document, in this case I used "infolink" the link text is what you want to click on to bring you to the jump the Destination Text is what you want to link to after that you click generate it will create a link and the jump location in that order respectively. as you can see in the fourth picture I pasted the link into the document and it links "file:///#infolink" Then later in the document I pasted the second text which has the html of <a name="#infolink">Info Section</a> So when I click the link it automatically scrolls down to the bottom where I put the Header Sorry, I guess I'm not too great at explaining things!
  7. Can you provide a description/demo of your product? What does it do? How do your use it? Why would I want it? Oh wow! I can't believe I missed that! Alright, here goes. This is just a simple app to easily genereate a jump for evernote notes, easily copy and paste into your note and style them how you please, and they should work. For example, if you have a rather large note and wanted to link the word "conclusion" to the bottom of your page where you have a header that said "conclusion" this app generates html that you can easily copy and paste into your note. Then you simply click the link and it will automatically scroll to the destination that the app generated! I'll edit this into the main post. The description of the app is on the readme of the repository, but I forgot that users unfamiliar with github may not know to look there.
  8. that is for my app. the text and links it creates will show up in evernote just fine. It has to do with the web rendering that the text isnt anti aliased. As for the icon Im just not good at creating icons. However this only affects the icon on the program and will not appear in your notes
  9. I created a simple java app elegantly named Evernote Link In Note aka ELIN. It is free and open source, you can check it out here. This is just a simple app to easily genereate a jump for evernote notes, easily copy and paste into your note and style them how you please, and they should work. For example, if you have a rather large note and wanted to link the word "conclusion" to the bottom of your page where you have a header that said "conclusion" this app generates html that you can easily copy and paste into your note. Then you simply click the link and it will automatically scroll to the destination that the app generated! Current Release: v1.1 - 4/25/15
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