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Everything posted by mmorris314

  1. Well, damn. I definitely made my decision on the current version, and it is still completely unfit for my purposes. So, the search for another app begins in earnest. Goodbye Evernote😢, you were once almost everything I needed.
  2. And yet Evernote has managed to ***** up the Mac version too. Sigh.. Moved to Craft for everything but note clipping, but I still need a tolerable evernote for that.
  3. Most of us have lives outside trying to get Evernote to be responsive to customer needs, so it's not always possible to spend our time continuing to plead on these fora.
  4. Thank YOU for having the courtesy to let us know even if they did not!!
  5. Add me in. Evernote: is ANYONE bothering to do something about this? Although it's new to me, I see this strong runs to A YEAR.
  6. Thank you DTLow, I don't know if my Evernote just updated, or if I had some glitch, but though I still had trouble with this last week, and though my version is the same as the link today, when I tried pasting fully formatted text after reading your note and checking the version, IT NOW PASTES WITH MY FORMATTING INTACT!!!! I am thrilled. Thanks to whoever in Evernote got this resolved! Now to hope it stays....
  7. Still looking for an answer here... What is taking so long?!?!?
  8. I, on the other hand, think it is VERY MUCH my business as a customer whether Evernote addresses our constantly repeated concerns. While it's certainly my choice to use EN or not, I'd like to think that EN might have some interest in retaining customers.
  9. As now paying customers, I think it's more than showing some love - this is a reasonable request regarding a product failure that lessens the value of my purchase - and I no longer have three devices to worry about, so whether or not I keep paying for the upgrade is really dependent on the utility of the product.
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