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About mubed

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  1. Just forget about Evernote. They won't survive long time.
  2. @gazumped You're right about promissing features for a certain date. I'm a software engineer and have to repeat that in every second meeting for some managers, but what @Dr. Hasan Bjaili says is also true. Evernote is for many of us not just a free tool, you can choose to use or not. At the moment you have some paying customers, who need features essentially, you have to pay attention to their needs. This topic is just an example. I've been using Evernote for many years.You could see that they started with good innovative features for that time and the tool was great enough for the people to pay for it. Then the development was actually stopped! Of course, it is the choice of the developer to improve the software or not, but you see where OneNote is now and what you get for that fair price. So if you have contacts to the company management, please tell them -- and this is neither criticism nor a threat, but a friendly advice between "colleagues", they don't have much time to launch their super duper new fantastic release. Customers have already started to say goodbye for other tools!
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