I agree. I've been using Evernote for 12.5 years. I have updated from Legacy to the current versions at least 3 times, most recently accidentally on one of my computers because I thought that Evernote had made updates to Legacy. I'm going to go back to Legacy on that computer now--again. This time the triggering reason is the lack of sync button on the current version...couldn't find the button to force a sync when automatic syncing had failed.
I like to use tabs on my Mac. I know there are browser workarounds and keyboard shortcuts, but they are annoying. I don't want task management. I also use ToDoist. I don't care to use calendar integration.
I understand that Evernote is under pressure to add features and functionality. It's a competitive market. Unfortunately, I see standard, almost "must have" features being retired, and usability (for my purposes) suffering.
I already use Devonthink for paperless office, scanning and document management. I think it's time to explore expanding my use of that...