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Everything posted by Sandeelynne3

  1. The hack I use for pinning notes in notebooks is to have the notes sorted alphabetically and then to use a . (period) in front of the note name. It skips ahead of the alphabetizing and pushes that note first. That's how I keep the most important reference note first in every notebook. ex. Sarah Smith's Job Note becomes .Sarah Smith's Job Note
  2. Exactly her problem. Too many tasks in one note and the completed tasks get crossed off but stay in the list where they were. I have to get our ECE office hours back on my calendar. I wish I hadn't missed it today! I'll check out the replay. Thanks, @Stacey Harmon!
  3. A related question re: those "noteless" task notes (default task notes): One of my clients has a Tasks note for all of 2022, just a brain dump note to keep track of all the moving parts. She has 255 tasks in there currently. She called me freaked out that that Tasks sidebar showed the tasks but they didn't show in the actual note. Over our Zoom, I showed her that all the tasks were indeed in the note. But we also noticed that they were listed very randomly. Some newer tasks were further down the list of tasks. The completed (crossed out) tasks had moved them down. So, my question is can that Tasks NOTE be sorted or organized in any way? I couldn't see a way to do it . I'm hoping someone else has run into this and has a solution. For now, I told her to just concentrate on using the Tasks sidebar when she needs to find the current tasks. She usually adds them to the note (hence the mixed up order of tasks there). Thank you! @Brittany N. @gazumped @Stacey Harmon @agsteele @DrFrankBuck @AmethystProductivity
  4. Great points, thank you! And I agree with you that sharing notes with comments needs to be returned to Work Chat. That's one of my biggest issues with it in v. 10.
  5. I have brought it to Evernote Expert events, directly to our Evernote Expert leader @Brittany N. and her team, and am preparing to meet with one of the developers to share what I see as the immense potential for Work Chat. Imagine if Work Chat were integrated to function like Slack but INSIDE Evernote instead of changing apps? That's the way I've been using it for years and it's great. Details don't get lost in email. Threads are available to review. I can send a note with comments in Work Chat (only in Legacy though) and it takes seconds making for fast collaboration. Why would I want to leave Evernote and go do all of that in Slack and then go back into Evernote? I think this is simply a case of people not realizing how powerful Work Chat used to be so they never tried using it. And not everyone using Evernote is a big company. Many are small and medium-sized who love using Work Chat once I show them how well it works (or worked, in Legacy).
  6. Why not? I can show you how effective Work Chat can be by using it. 😊. Anyone else want to join the Work Chat with @ehrt74 and me? And OK @gazumped - I will take that Loom video on! To show the difference, I'll have to get Legacy set up on my new computer so give me a little time to do that first. I want to get that done anyway because v10 is still not where I want it to be to use it full-time. @PinkElephantyou have a good point. I find that if I can get them to at least try it, they quickly grow to love using Evernote. Almost everyone I've trained comes back later to tell me how much they love Evernote, now that they understand how to use it the way their brains work. @agsteelefollowing up. I think the best way to get more people to adopt it is to get an Evernote champion or two within the group. If there are a couple of people talking about how they use it and love it, more people in larger groups might embrace it. Or not. Frankly, I think it's better suited to smaller businesses, just based on my own experiences with it.
  7. Thank you, @gazumped, @PinkElephant, and @agsteele I think you're confirming what I've been telling Evernote. Without any case studies or ideas suggested about how to incorporate Work Chat into the workflow, people are just ignoring it. My point is why go out to a separate app to talk when you can do it right within Evernote? If you haven't tried it, I can tell you it works great. You can have individual or group chats. It's easy to scroll back through to pick up any action items you might have missed at the first reading. You can even use emojis, if you want to personalize it. 😁 I feel like I should make an instructional Loom video to show how and why I use Work Chat so extensively. Once more folks see that, I think they might give it more of a chance.
  8. I would love to have a discussion about Work Chat. I run my business in Evernote and built out my own system for using Evernote Professional with my small team. It works great. In Legacy. Work Chat has always been an integral part of the workflow of my business. We routinely share note links in the chat to hand off tasks in the note to each other. It doesn't work the same way in v10. Recently, I've been talking to Evernote about how v10 ruined Work Chat. In Legacy, all I had to do was hit the Share button from within a note, put the person's name in that I was sending the note to for the next action step, add a note about the action to take, and hit send. Done. When the person finished that action step, they simply told me or shared the note link back in Work Chat again. VERY fast and efficient. Now, in v10, I can no longer share a note link that way. I can only share it once or share the notebook. I can't hit the Share button in the note and have Work Chat "pick up" the note link and include it. Now I have to copy the app link, go open Work Chat in the bottom of my left nav bar, put in the person's name, type a note, drop the link, then send. The whole process takes twice as much time to execute. And that's assuming the chat actually sends. Evernote agrees with me that the Legacy chat and my workflow in it are better however, evidently not many people are using Work Chat like this to collaborate. For that reason, there is no priority to make Work Chat a core part of Evernote. I disagree. I think that if people could see the power of communicating within Work Chat instead of outside apps like email or Slack, more people would use it. Hence my desire for a conversation here in the forums. My question is, why is no one else using Work Chat to collaborate on notes the way I do? I find it hard to believe that my workflow is that original in Evernote, but perhaps it is. Please feel free to tag other power users and let's chat about Work Chat. 😁
  9. @idffI was glad to hear they were aware of the situation, too. They continue to release updates, additions, and more every two weeks. I know there are some big things in the works and lots of bugs and requests being addressed. Hang on for the ride. It's going to be great!
  10. I spoke with a representative at Evernote this afternoon and asked about this problem because I too want the formatting options. They are very aware of this request and it will be addressed in the near future.
  11. A support ticket is a good idea. Thanks, @PinkElephant! @Shane D. and @Scott T. I'd like to draw this workflow question to your attention. Do you know if the coding for Evernote 10 will be adjusted to allow us to use that Share button on notes to drop them into the Work Chat like we can do in Legacy? This is in reference to notes and notebooks that are already shared with a team member. It's a critical part of my team's collaboration and workflow and probably Paul's too. For example, whenever I want my artist to drop an art proof or file into a shared note, it's much more efficient if I can drop that note into the Chat for him to pick up and add his files. Then he shares the note back to me with a message that says the files are in the note for me. I'm happy to jump in a chat or on a call to further elaborate on how I use this function but the gist of it is that I need to put hot links, not note titles or internal note links, in Work Chat on already-shared notes. I'll stay on Legacy until that feature is offered in 10 because I use it that much. Thanks for your input!
  12. I have the same problem, @PaulBarberThis works fine in Legacy but seems to have gone away in EN 10. That's a HUGE problem for me as we use Work Chat like Slack and reference notes all the time in our workflow. In EN 10, I too cannot figure out how to keep the communication going with references to shared notes in Work Chat. For now, it's a big enough problem that I'm still using Legacy. I haven't figured out a good workaround. Please tag me or message me if you find a solution. I will do likewise. And let's keep asking for it to be brought back!
  13. I already LOVE the Tasks feature! I can see how this will only increase the functionality of Evernote moving forward. Lots of good suggestions have been made to make Tasks even better. Thank you to the EN team for being more responsive to suggestions coming from your ECC's and loyal EN followers. It means a lot to be heard.
  14. @BrightonStu I just opened my Evernote on the web version and Work Chat was back! I don't know why it seems to come and go. One thing you could try, if you haven't yet, is quitting your browser and restarting it. Maybe that will clear it up. I also had a long load time today and it said my web-based Evernote had been updated to the latest version. Maybe that fixed the Work Chat issue. Give it a try and let us know if the issue resolves for you like it did for me.
  15. Same problem. I'm trying to advise Evernote clients about using Work Chat except there's no navigation to get to it. Add to that the fact that the newest web version isn't using Work Chat and we have BIG PROBLEMS here!
  16. As an ECC, I don't know how to proceed at this point. I promote Evernote all the time to everyone, but I'm conflicted about continuing to do so. I was also preparing an online course and again, I'm not sure if I should invest my time in it at this point. If Evernote is removing functionality, it's going to lose a lot of its attraction for me. I did not update and have no plans to do so for some time. I always thought that having the software configured to the platform it was on was a BENEFIT, not a negative. Seems Evernote didn't agree. As someone who runs my whole business in there and much of my life, I don't look forward to having to switch to something like OneNote which doesn't offer the same level of security on the back end that Evernote has always promoted. Plus I don't want to spend the time setting up all I do in another platform. Evernote developers, please hear your Premium users! All you had to do was fix some of the bugs in the legacy version and maybe add a few more perks. We didn't need this massive overhaul!
  17. Thank you, @gazumped and @DTLow - that makes total sense! I never played with the "merge cells" feature before. I sure will now. Love learning new things. Thanks again! 😊
  18. Congrats to the winners! I took inspiration to upgrade my dashboard. Sadly, I ran out of time to get it together enough to share it here. Maybe next time but thanks to all who shared. We're all winners because of that! 😊
  19. This is great - thanks for sharing it! I should probably put this as a separate thread, but this template illustrates my question. How do you put that single cell header on a table with multiple rows beneath? I haven't been able to duplicate that feature and I'd love to be able to do that with my tables.
  20. Whenever I want to pin a note to the top of a notebook, I use a period (.) or asterisk or number. Those things take the note out of alphabetical order and position it at the top of the notebook. Make sure your notes are being viewed in ascending order by title. You can also use shortcuts or a main table of contents note listing links to all the notes you want frequent access to. For example, long before EN introduced templates, I had created about 50 of them. I have a notebook named .Templates that stays at the top of my notebook list for fast access to all of my templates. There are always work-arounds. Hope one of these helps you.
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