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Everything posted by Mtimes

  1. Thanks. And yes, it's called Evernote Classic for a reason ..:-)
  2. In the latest version of Evernote for Windows, when I insert a date it's formatted as September 22, 2023. Is there a way to change the format so it would be 9/22/23 or even 9/22/2003? You could do it in previous versions, but don't see the option here. Thanks. Harry
  3. Thanks, DT. I forgot to post the other solution they provided me. In my case, I had to uninstall and reinstall Evernote, and then allow notifications. I thought I had done so the first time, but must have hit the wrong button. At any rate, hopefully between your situation and mine, others should have the solution if needed.
  4. Thanks for the work around, but I don't want these items in my calendar. Also, I've reinstalled evernote on both my iPhone 6 and iPad, and Evernote still doesn't appear in the Notification Settings.
  5. How do I get my reminder alerts to appear on my iPhone? For other apps I set it in the notification center, but Evernote isn't listed. I'm using the latest version 8.0.4
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