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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. Completely agree. I'm not sure that the title makes it clear what his post is about.
  2. The new behaviour of the title is generally unhelpful. You mention that it scrolls with the text which doesn't help. If you hit F2 to go to the title when it is not in view it goes to the title but doesn't bring it into view. So you have to scroll or use the arrow keys. ctrl-home takes you to the top of the main body of the note but still doesn't reveal the title.
  3. Excellent suggestion. This has always been a weakness in the otherwise excellent tag handling in the old version.
  4. Agreed. I think the order is the order you added them rather than being random.I use special tags starting with punctuation characters to keep them at the top of the list. The main problem this causes for me is that only the first few tags appear in the snipet view while I want my important tags there
  5. I'm using EN 10.2.4 (1949) and Windows 10 home version 1909 Whenever I attempt to open attachment directly by double clicking or using the three dots followed by open, the file initially opens as expected but then my antivirus software shuts down the software used to open the attachment (e.g. adobe reader, excel etc) and gives me this warning. Googling the problem suggests this occurs for other software as well but I can't get any of the suggestions made to solve this problem. If I download the file first it is fine. There is also no problem with the legacy version. I've not seen this problem in the past during preview, beta or earlier version on V10 but it is possible that it is a change in AVG rather than EN. I'm documenting it here so that EN appreciate there could be problems with compatability of the new EN with some common anti virus software. Has anybody else seen this or have any suggestions as to how to solve it?
  6. Could you explain your work flow because I don't see that option in version 6.25.
  7. I don't know why it says right click. If you left click you get this: You can then use the screen shot icon or alternatively you can use the shortcut alt - ctrl - S
  8. The other really useful coding feature is the ability to add inline code by surrounding your text with single back ticks. I also really love the #, ## and ### for different header levels.
  9. There is currently only one keyboard shortcut for an item in the inset menu. That is Ctrl + Shift + - for a divider line. There are however some markdown style key sequences that give you some more: 3 dashes --- for a divider 3 back ticks ``` for a code block (or text surrounded by single back ticks gives you inline code) [][][][]x2 gives you a table with 4 columns and 2 rows The most obvious omission is a check box as [] gives you a check list
  10. This seems similar to the post here. i've seen this with images but not with a whole note before. I've never managed to get it to stop.
  11. It depends on what clip option you are using. If you clip screen shots, selected text or pdfs for example the only source of the url is in the note information window. You can quickly get to this with ctrl-shift-I.
  12. I actually like the way you can very quickly add a file to EN by just dragging and dropping it into the note list. I suppose if you add too many bells and whistles to quick notes it kind of defeats the object.
  13. If you mean the different header styles you can do this with markdown type formatting. #, ## or ### followed by a space. Works really well.
  14. I agree but it would be nice if it could be a few more than 300 characters long,
  15. The current implementation of keyboard shortcuts is not good. The link below gives you the current state of play. It should be said though that this document contains many many errors, omissions and things that simply do not work. As you say this should be easy to get right so I'm sure it there will be improvements over time. In the mean time you can continue to run the legacy version if you wish. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004807
  16. Have you tried playing with the note width setting which you can get from the three dots menu at top right of the screen?
  17. Your current use case is entirely reasonable. However, I think there is an additional problem. Launching a note in a separate window is incredibly slow. For me about 5 seconds is normal compared with pretty much instantaneous in the old version. Unless this speeds up considerably I'm not sure that your work flow is actually viable. So I think you need both an improvement in the speed of launch in a new window and the ability to hide the note preview.
  18. You can drag it smaller but I haven't found a way of getting rid of it altogether.
  19. Lots of us complained about it in the preview and beta phases so we are already way past the point at which we could say it has been promptly fixed!
  20. No you're not mssing it. While you can control the fields that you can see in the list view you can still only sort by the rather limited choices. Hopefully this is something that can be reintroduced fairly easily in the future.
  21. I haven't been able to find it either. It is not in the note info window and it is not an option in the list view - in fact EN of hijacked the word location in this view to mean notebook. However, the information is still there behind the scenes because if you use the advanced search syntax you can still search for notes created within a longitude and latitude range.
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