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Everything posted by beeker

  1. I'm seeing this as well. saved search "tag:bills -tag:receipt" works manually, does not work as saved search/shortcut in windows (10.16.7) but does work from my iOS devices (pad & phone)
  2. Hi, Long time user and like most this year have been working from home a lot. My home setup is slightly different to work. While I have dual monitors at both locations, here I have primary monitor in front of me and secondary off to the LHS. Would love to see more panel flexibility. When I'm using evernote to recall research I have it off to my left hand side, which puts sidebar to the furthest left hand side. Would be fantastic if I could choose to put it RHS to improve overall ergonomics. Similarly for the notes list itself. Even better if you could say the layout as a template. In research mode, I typically use a notebook reference/tag or other search to get me close to what I thought I wanted, then browse the search results to find what I want. This can take a few goes to narrow it down. once I've found the main note of interest I'll typically bring it across to main screen to work from. Matt
  3. Would love to see a way to collapse/show reminders per notebook. At the moment, it's fully open or fully closed. Matt
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