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Posts posted by andrew_evernote

  1. I would love this feature too. 

    If this were implemented, it would be great if it weren't just implemented for "Full Screen" or "Focus" mode.  Some applications will allow you to hide distracting elements, but only in a "Full Screen" or "Focus" mode.  The problem with that is that many of us use windows side-by-side, not full screen, for instance if you have a large monitor, since most large monitors these days are widescreen.

    @Vadermaus, another option would be to use an app that lets you pin a window on top, and just stick  that window over the distracting element.  I use and love PNotes for this, although there are lots of apps that have this functionality.

  2. Ok.  What is the best practice for logging a feature request for different platforms of Evernote?

    I wanted to support another user's request for this feature on Evernote Mac, but I also wanted to request this feature for Evernote Windows, since I use both versions.  Should I just support the other user's request on Evernote Mac, and assume that it will be logged for Evernote Windows too? Or should I just request it for Evernote Windows, and assume that it will be logged as support for the request for Evernote Mac too?

    I'd still like to request this feature because I use many tools that are able to do this without producing syncing conflicts and duplicates, like OneNote, Google Keep, Dynalist, etc.  So it seems like a solvable problem.

  3. What was the double post? I use Evernote on Mac and Windows.  I put in one feature request for Evernote Mac, one feature request for Evernote Windows.

    Next time, what should I have do if I want to request a feature on both platforms? Should I only post the feature request for one of the platforms? Would the request still be logged for the other platform? Ex. If I request a feature on Evernote Android, would it be logged for Evernote Windows too?

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