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Everything posted by akos0215

  1. Hi there! It would be great if the notes exported to the enex file would contain the guid of each note's as metadata. It could be useful to let integrations identify the notes clearly. Thanks a lot!
  2. Hello, Sorry for the confusion, I've talked about Evernote Desktop App running on Catalina. Somehow enabling/disabling dark mode in the OS had no affect to Evernote, but following this solution here, I was able to trigger dark mode to Evernote as well: https://www.techjunkie.com/exclude-app-dark-mode-macos-mojave/ Regards, akos
  3. Hi all, it looks like that after getting the newest iOS, my Evernote (7.13, latest) doesn't reflect to system Dark mode. Is there anyone who realized something similar? Regards, Akos
  4. Hi all, it looks like that after getting the newest iOS, my Evernote (7.13, latest) doesn't reflect to system Dark mode. Is there anyone who realized something similar? Regards, Akos
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