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Notatious D

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  1. Gazumped - Can you "select" more than 50 notes? No you cannot. Yes, you can export a whole notebook of more than 50 notes, but you cannot SELECT more than 50 notes in a list. Notice the word "select", not export, which means, again, technically you're wrong that I'm wrong. So for example, can you SELECT more than 50 notes and, say, move them? Good luck. A very silly limitation. PinkElephant - If I ever post here again (unlikely but possible), please refrain from responding unless you can be constructive and polite? Is that a crazy request? You guys have been haunting this board for years, but for what purpose. You take offense when people point out bugs, confusing issues, and other problems, and tell them they aren't really problems. Seems counterproductive.
  2. Laral - I love the tip, thank you so much for the detail. I am familiar with markup, that sounds great. Personally I've used Apple Notes for most things plus Ulysses for detailed projects. The latter is expensive and does have its share of quirks (including insisting on displaying certain markup, which makes no sense) but beautiful and...wait for it...the customer service is helpful and responsive and the company exhibits respect (as does Apple...and most companies I deal with, certainly those in competitive spaces).
  3. I just want to say, the disrespect and dismissive attitude present here, I know it's not over-the-top but it's still real, and it really works against EN. Even "see how you get along"...really? Do you not see how that's patronizing? The person couldn't figure it out (because the option is missing from where he expected it) and you say that. I can certainly see that I can "get along" with Laral just fine, but somehow the peanut gallery always manages to be, at best, socially frictive. (Get it? "Peanut gallery"...elephants eat peanuts...)
  4. Wow, you did so well explaining the notebook export and then this. Let me correct you back: - There is indeed a 50 note selection limit, in my version of EN, at least. And has been for some time. (And if it's 100 in some newer version, doesn't solve my issue.) - This makes it very inconvenient to migrate, and especially do a local backup. So, to quote a recent post..."you are totally incorrect".
  5. I second this, Laral! Well said. I paid for Evernote for many years, but basic functionality issues became too much (especially because it's WAY too slow even if you use a quick note.) So I went to a free account instead of migrating because, well, at some point Evernote made it very time consuming to attempt a migration because you can only select 50 notes at a time now. Which also means you can't easily back up everything locally, which is another reason I switched away. So I have legacy data in there I occasionally query. Now suddenly I find out I was only allowed 2 devices even though it worked fine for years? Hmm. And it blocks usage with a confusing resolution UI. And you can only change a few times a month, as if people have nothing better to do than switch between which devices are synced? It's so petty and alienating, and feel lucky I stopped using it for current projects. It's not that expensive, but who wants to pay a company that feels like it's run by a sales team that's ultimately working against you? And that's on top of the unacceptable functionality issues, which makes me sad because it seems like the leadership is chasing team project apps, which are so completely different, good luck with that. If you think Evernote competes with Asana, you are in the wrong place.
  6. It's the same error the OP saw. My client version is identified in the thread, it's "mac", so yes, Mac client. I'm not trying to troubleshoot it so I'm not detailing my network or security, but I still contend that this should not be necessary to fix the bug, or even troubleshoot it, because if intermittent connectivity can cause data loss, I believe that the right answer is to avoid the possibility, not get it temporarily working. So on that note, yes, I did stumble across the ability to go back versions in Evernote, thank you. I will have to try that. Not just for this bug, but also because I can't export all my notes for a backup using this version. It will only select 50 notes at a time. (Another very unfortunate design decision.) I don't believe I posted anything inappropriate for the forum. I am familiar with forum protocol and I believe that everything in my post was germane to helping Evernote and its users identify and fix problems, as well as avoid them. I did comment about a different bug in the same system. Readers are free to ignore it, but it might be relevant to sync stability for a user or engineer. And on that note, I should also mention that I successfully worked around that problem (sync conflicts which resulted in an un-notified (pun?) combination of both versions within the same note). I did so by not editing long notes with many lines of text. It seemed to happen when updating notes like that, maybe 100+ lines. My personal advice is do not maintain notes with many text lines in which you add or edit a few lines at a time. If you are going to have to edit them, split them into notes of a few pages max.
  7. I added other anecdotes about Evernote as a cautionary tale for those who should search this way, as evidence that Evernote has a problematic, and slightly bizarre, history with syncing. Again, I would point out that my edits are being intentionally deleted and replaced with an old version which should never happen under any circumstances ever. In this case, there is zero complexity, there's no syncing from another device, etc. But even if there were, this shouldn't happen. At least not in any scenario that I can imagine. I don't know what is wrong with my problem description. I go in and edit a note. After a few minutes, it pops up that warning and deletes my edits. I tried it again. It deleted it again. Regardless of any connectivity issue anywhere in the network, including security software, THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. Evernote should be robust with respect to intermittent connectivity, and not get confused. At worst, it should duplicate data, not delete it. So I am not trying to fix this for me, I am trying to migrate to a safer app, while warning others. I don't even know which category this goes in. If it happens on Mac, Windows and web, which one is that? Connecting the dots here seems perfectly appropriate; it appears to be the same problem. Another thing about Evernote I've noticed is this forum. Someone will post about very frustrating and unreasonable shortcomings with Evernote, and then get criticized for it like they are the problem, or they have the shortcomings. If you have a question, ask politely and try to understand their perspective. No need to dismiss or criticize. This forum is about criticizing and fixing Evernote, not its users. People come to this forum, make a post, adapt, got back and forth, because Evernote caused them an issue in the first place that should never have occurred. Consideration of this is appreciated.
  8. I posted here, because that's where I found mention of my problem. I hope it doesn't happen to many people, but it's so over-the-top that Evernote has become untenable for even basic usage. I thought I'd at least try to get that experience out there where it might help somebody, possibly Evernote. I'm on Big Sur 11.4. I see 10.16.7-mac-ddl-public (2732). I never saw a version with the word "public" in it before, so I mentally skipped over it, assuming the Editor was what I was looking for. (Why not label it?) I have not found any "Settings" or "Preferences" in this version of Evernote, other than this menu item. I will play with that Save setting if desperate. Thanks.
  9. This is crazy. I'm getting this error repeatedly, trying to update a note, and this seems to not be a new error. The changes are completely lost as soon as I press that Reload button. I can't figure out why an error would ever cause it to dump text or other edits. At worst, there's a sync conflict (which I think is supposed to result in duplicating the note as a separate note, although it's done other bizarre things, see below), but it instead it ERASES ALL THE CHANGES ONE JUST MADE. (And no, there are not parallel changes to this note being made on another device, I'm just one person.) At this point, I'd be insane to keep using Evernote for anything important. If it can't save some basic changes, and it's a repeated error, how could Evernote ever be trusted to save anything reliably? One would never know when it would fail. This is the Mac client Editor: v126.0.16239, Service: v1.37.3 This goes to show how, over the years the sync errors I had were harbingers of even more unacceptable things to come. I never have problems like this with Apple Notes or other other apps. While I'm sure sync errors are not unique to Evernote, Evernote has always had the most uniquely frustrating and destructive sync issues in my experience or what I've read. (Sometime ti still quietly resolves a sync conflict by appending the entire version of one to the first note, which is not appropriate, but worse it doesn't alert me and that can happen over and over so you end up with a giant note of not-quite-repeated text one must try to merge, it's very time consuming even with unix diff tools. The worst thing of all, was that there was always plenty of time to sync any changes after they were made in a device, so there should never have been any conflicts to begin with.) Combined with the very limited 2-layer hierarchy of Evernote, I've only continued to use it out of wanting to avoid a migration project, but I've put less and less important things in it, fortunately. Good luck! I do hope they fix this bug, it's nuts. Because it's not a typical bug when accidental behavior occurs (it got confused and accidentally lost changes), it's behavior that should NEVER EVER under any circumstances occur (it got confused and intentionally overwrote all changes the user just made, and had the chutzpah to tell you and make you press the button).
  10. Thanks! That would be the best workaround. I ended up numbering by hand in this case.
  11. I don't know what your point is. I don't know how to find or vote for feature requests. This is an extremely basic functional request. If you are belittling me because I didn't dream up a workaround, please keep it to yourself. Have fun exporting to PDF, going into Acrobat...wait, why doesn't Evernote just do this?
  12. The reason I keep things like medical info in a notes application instead of separate word processing documents, is so that I can organize and find things. That's the purpose of a notes application such as Evernote. Maintaining a Word Doc within Evernote for my own data is inflexible and cumbersome. You do that just so you can get page numbers?
  13. That's another thing about Evernote. I've observed several people post valid frustrations about basic functionality missing, and instead of help they get these useless and disparaging comments. This is actually the main thing that drove me to migrate off of Evernote as much as possible. (Well, that and its unacceptable slowness for quick notes, and its inability to reasonably handle sync conflicts...and its inability to handle large notes... So actually it's hard to choose.) I had to fax something for medical purposes to a place that only accepts faxes or mail. Without the proper page order, it's difficult to decipher the document. What am I supposed to do in that case? Get the patient to switch hospitals? Am I supposed to anticipate any possible time I might need to print something out, and not use EverNote for anything related to that? Does that seem practicable? What should I use instead? What does it mean to be a "document page product"? It has information. Sometimes information needs to be printed out. Of all the text-related applications that exist and can print, I question how many can't do basic page numbers. Remember, it has to format the printout anyway. That's the stage where it could add page numbers! Like any other program. Why does it print at all if printing is so passe? The question is, are page numbers a reasonable and useful feature? Not, how many people who could have used it bothered to post on this forum, and then endure these silly comments that belittle totally useful and basic feature requests. Does it really bother you so much when Evernote gets criticized? If you never need to print, good for you! You're free to focus on something else. Please, never respond to any of my posts or comments again unless you have something constructive to add, per the spirit of this forum.
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