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Posts posted by Eugenie

  1. I strongly agree. In order to truly facilitate collaboration, it would be great to see Evernote adding a "discussion" or "comment" feature to Notes.


    The example I was discussion with customer support is if I wanted to share a relevant article or website with some colleagues. I'd like to be able to save a note using Web Clipper, and then have a way for other collaborators of that notebook comment on the article and discuss with each other. The current problem is that, even if another user "edits" the note and adds a comment, there isn't a way to see who made that comment. I would definitely want this feature to be available in mobile form as well.


    A workaround could be to always have users identify themselves when leaving a comment, or use different colors (for example, in Skitch), but that seems to be a fairly clunky workaround.


    Other users' thoughts on how they handle this would be welcome.

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