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About diamondsw

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  1. Well, I finally did it - migrated away from Evernote. I'm not getting a native client or anything, but at least I'm getting control of my data and a certain amount of control back over the UI. Not gonna lie - it's not as polished as Evernote was (especially tables!), but it will work for me. Not saying what as I don't want this to be a shill post, but suffice to say there's options out there. Find one that works for you.
  2. Eventually they'll change something about the sync protocol that the Legacy client won't be able to understand, and that will truly be it. And at that point I'll move to something else (not terribly appealing, as the main contenders are OneNote and Joplin, and neither are great).
  3. I've been using the new client since this bug appeared. It's horrible. Really, really bad. There are reasons we stayed on Evernote Legacy. None of those reasons have been addressed, and at this point quite obviously won't be. The UI has almost no customization - sidebar and toolbars aren't customizable at all, keyboard shortcuts - what few there are now - are gated behind a paid subscription, views are a pale shadow of what they used to be. Code blocks, dividers, tables - things I use constantly - are stuck inside the "insert" menu, while Evernote's terrible grasping at non-note taking stuff (calendaring, tasks, groupware bullshit) are now front-and-center. Nag screens are somehow even more constant than they used to be (and with how Evernote 10 hasn't improved on anything they removed from Evernote 7, like hell I'm giving them money now). Some things simply can't be done: I document code and procedures in Evernote, and will frequently put things in code blocks, then highlight the important bits (red for things that might change, green to highlight important output, etc). Evernote 7 has no problem with this; Evernote 10 eliminates all formatting options in a code block. The whole thing is a non-native shitshow, and that doesn't even get into how the thing just ceases launching when there's no network. That was really fun yesterday when I was trying to pull up my notes to fix my router and couldn't! So yes, I'm staying on this zombie until such time as there is a competitor that will serve my needs (and am utterly thrilled at the above workaround). Evernote has shown they have no interest in their Legacy mission of effectively managing information. They want to be another (*****) group/team-ware thing. No thanks.
  4. Yep, it's working for the moment, although we all know this isn't a tenable situation.
  5. I've got an M1 on the way and I'll find out, but this is a deal-breaker for me if it doesn't work. I will export out of Evernote for good rather than use the trash that is v10.
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