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Everything posted by XeonPythious

  1. I've had the same issue as you for months, but there is a new alternative on the scene-- I simultaneously found this discussion and the newest 'solution' on the market: Everpad Nevernote aka NixNote has been the sole contender in the space. I gotta admit: I haven't explored Nevernote's functionality simply because of its lackluster interface. I had high hopes for Everpad, but... After installing all of the files, nothing synced at all. Essentially, the interface was totally blank. Linux Journal was practically crying with joy, though, apparently, so take my desolate experience with a grain of salt, haha: Here is a great article on how to download/install the Everpad client for Linux. I feel like it is high time for Evernote to officially support Linux with a reputable client. 'Open-source' isn't going anywhere anytime soon--Ugh, the irony! The concept is so timeless. Cheers-- JT
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