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Everything posted by ianfusa

  1. However, if you have tasks across multiple notes, going to just one of those notes doesn't resolve the problem. And the home widget only shows a few tasks at a time.
  2. I HATE the fact we just get this narrow little task window that pops out when clicking on Tasks from the menu - the text wrapping means it takes up way more height than necessary. Why not have a window that takes up the entire screen width?
  3. Is it possible to move a task from one note to another note?
  4. In legacy I can see 14 notes listed in the same height window I can see just 9.5 in v.10+. I know I can zoom out, but that then zooms out everything, including the left-hand menu.
  5. This seems to be the single most obvious thing that should be on the Home screen but isn't. When they're available. tasks should be too.
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