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Posts posted by mv1234

  1. 49 minutes ago, gazumped said:

    Hi.  What exactly is it that the note is "floating on top" of?  Evernote has the ability to open a note in its own window,  which can be floated anywhere you want...

    "Stay on top" / "Always on top" i.e. keep the window on top of all other windows. There was a tool called Afloat which worked for previous macOS versions but does not for macOS Catalina.

    Example - If I am reading a PDF or an article on a webpage, I do not want to constantly find my note from behind the webpage / PDF to type.

    The native Notes app has this functionality (see screenshot) too. Also, have added another screenshot from Bear which shows a little symbol on the bottom right of the note which toggles the "Always on top" or not - which is pretty handy. 

    So, all in all, looks like the OS does have the API / functionality to do this (given Bear + other apps use it). I would love for Evernote to implement this please!  





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