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Everything posted by dzurn

  1. I tried it three separate times and it never changes. The import is a single page web clip so it seems like it will never finish for whatever reason. i just want to delete that bad clip and import the rest of the stuff I’ve clipped in the last month that’s hung up.
  2. "One moment" is has now taken 9 months. I tried to use Evernote Web just now, because I had trouble getting my clips to import (that I really really want) so someone suggested using the Web version. Only to find out that Evernote Web won't even start up due to "One moment" error. Refreshing brings me to a blanked-out Home screen with no useful content. Is there ANY part of Evernote that works reliably, and would justify the premium subscription? I've used it for years on iOS, Mac, and Windows, and I've had nothing but bad luck the last few months, starting with clips that won't import and I can't find a way to clear out. I'd OK with finding a way to clear out just the blocking clip, and keep the rest, but so far zilch. ** EDIT ** I tried Evernote Web with Chrome instead of Safar, and now the Web client seems to work. I never saw anything that might help with my original Clip Import problem, though, but at least it's usable.
  3. How do I use the Web version to see the clip that is blocking everything else? I also rely on the clipping all the time, and don’t want to lose my 8 pending clips. I just want to trash the clip that’s stopping all other imports. Very frustrating.
  4. I should add that Search of all files is a big reason why I’ve stuck with EN and paid for Premium, but if PDF search isn’t included as a feature any more, EN becomes less valuable.
  5. I use Evernote on iOS, Windows and Mac platforms. I keep getting a status message that 6 PDFs are being imported, for about a month 😮. And on the Mac I get the Evernote Spotlight crash indication, showing there are still existing problems with balky PDFs. I’m not sure which of my thousand notes is causing these problems, as PDF seem to be one of the more inscrutable features of Evernote.
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