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Marc B

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Posts posted by Marc B

  1. In the new Evernote (10.x) I have it set up so nearly everything gets dumped into an "Inbox" notebook. When I process the notes I invariably go to the top and click on the "Go To Notebook" button which usually ends up doing nothing since I'm usually already in that notebook. 

    While I'm clicking "Go To Notebook" the "Move Note" button slowly materializes next to it.

    Frankly I can think of no circumstances where I would ever want to use the "Go To Notebook" feature where I can only go to the single notebook, but I imagine there must be workflows out there where this makes some kind of sense.

    Any chance we can either change the "Go To Notebook" button to "Move Notebook" or at least have the "Move Note" button stay visible so you don't have to wait for it to appear (usually after you've already clicked on the button that's showing)?

    Beyond that and a few missing keyboard shortcuts.. and tabs... I really miss tabs... the new interface is pretty solid and I do like the consistency as I move constantly between MacOS, iOS, iPadOS and Android OS.

    Best Regards, 


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  2. Unfortunately, as of today, the web client still insists on sorting by relevance regardless of the setting you have chosen for your notebooks.

    For the life of me, in any product, not just Evernote, I have never seen any value in "By Relevance" as a sort order for search results. I don't know what definition of "Relevance" is being used, but it has never resulted in anything but a random mish-mash of results slapped together with none of them being terribly relevant to my search need.

    "By Updated" is the only way I've ever found the results to show up in any useful /useable manner. It will be great when Evernote fixes this omission.

    Best Regards

  3. 19 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    I have not used it for a while now, but the access works just as before. Only the chat is not available, which is announced when the support page opens.

    So probably not reaching support is an individual issue (for paying customers). I would start by really logging out, cleaning the cache of the standard browser (to get rid of any data residue there), then restart the computer and give it a fresh try.

    Thanks PinkElephant, but this issue occurs across all my browsers, Safari, Chrome and both Firefox (which I only began using 2 weeks ago) and MS Edge which I used for the first time on a newly built Win 10 machine. So it appears to be an issue associated with my Evernote account.


  4. Now that Evernote has essentially blocked all access to submitting support tickets for paying customers. Is there ANY way to get ahold of these guys to report a problem?

    A phone number? The address of the beach where they bury their heads so as not to hear customer concerns?

    I don't want to use a public forum and spend the next week with people misreading my post and asking me if I've tried turning it off and on again.

    Trying to access the link suggested above (or any other link that might possibly take me to evernote support) immediately dumps me on a screen that tells me I've been logged off. And any attempt to do anything prompts for login and... immediately logs me off again.

    Basically all roads lead to the screen below or just dumps me in Web Evernote.


  5. Version 7.13 (458080 Direct)
    Editor: 69.1.8237 (1f0aea9)

    macOS 10.15 (19A602) (latest supplement included as of today)

    Just completed a fresh install of Catalina on my iMac.

    After installing Evernote and testing it, I find the other keyboard shortcuts that I use regularly (Command-Ctrl-M, Command-L, etc.) are working fine but the Edit Tags shortcut (Command-') does nothing.

    I can see the shortcut in the "Note" menu next to "Edit Note Tags"

    I checked System preferences and cannot find any conflicts under Keyboard shortcuts. Indeed nothing happens at all when I press the key combination regardless of the context.

    I've reinstalled Evernote (just deleted the app from the applications folder and re-downloaded it and dropped the new copy into applications).

    I've restarted the Mac multiple times (for various other reasons as I've been installing other software as part of my fresh install).

    I'm plumb out of ideas at this point. I really prefer to either use the mouse only OR the keyboard only as much as possible, so my workflow is missing this helpful little shortcut.

    Any other suggestions would be welcome.



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