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Posts posted by drjasonharrison

  1. Here is an example pop up. Unfortunately the pop-up function used attributes the message to the website that the tab has loaded. 

    My suggestion is that this pop-up doesn't actually help the user, as it's appearing not when the user is trying to clip something but when the web clipper is just sitting idle and has encountered a problem reloading the account.


  2. Here is the code from the Evernote Web Clipper Extension, file common.js:

                    reloadAccounts() {
                        let e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0];
                        return (
                            (this._selectedAccountId = null),
                            (this._selectedSubpart = null),
                            (this._isOnline = !0),
                                .then((e) => (0 === e.length && e.push(0), I.ZP.log("detected auth in slots", e), e))
                                .then((t) => this._createAndLoadAccountsForSlots(t, e))
                                .then((e) => {
                                    this._accountList = e.filter((e) => !!e);
                                    const t = this._accountList.find((e) => !!e.userId);
                                    t ? this.select(t.userId) : this._selectAccount(this._accountList[0]);
                                .then(() => this._updateSyncEngines())
                                .catch((e) => {
                                    if ((I.ZP.error("Error in recreateAccounts", e), "object" != typeof e)) throw e;
                                    if (
                                        (e.code === G.kq.COOKIES_DISALLOWED &&
                                            (0, me.Z)(
                                                (0, h.ZP)(
                                                    "Evernote Web Clipper uses cookies to identify your account. Check your browser settings to make sure third-party cookies are accepted from Evernote.",
                                                    "Error message that shows when browser cookie config preventing clipper from login"
                                        e.code === G.kq.MAINTENANCE && (0, me.Z)((0, h.ZP)("Evernote servers are under maintenance, please try again later", "Maintenance message")),
                                        ("undefined" != typeof ProgressEvent && e instanceof ProgressEvent) || e.code === G.wC.OFFLINE || (e.cause && "NetworkException" === e.cause.name))
                                        throw ((this._isOnline = !1), G.rk.fromAny(e));
                                    throw e;


  3. When returning to my computer, my browser displays

    "Evernote servers are under maintenance, please try again later"

    There isn't any interaction with Evernote (application, webclipper, website) that I can see. Just unlock the computer and get the popup.

    I'm using

    - Chrome Version 114.0.5735.198 (Official Build) (arm64)

    - Evernote webclipper 7.33.1

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