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Posts posted by AmazingBaby

  1. This issue happened today to my girlfriend who is using an Evernote PERSONAL subscription - which is 100 EUR per year. Today for no apparent reason her Evernote application stopped responding on her Mac, and when she restarted the application all of her notes after the 27th of February were gone.

    • we tried the web client - same story there, everything is gone
    • there is no history for any of the notes, everything is just gone (no automated backups are there, even tho they should be)
    • there is nothing in the trash
    • tried contacting support, but no response at all

    This is a huge issue as my girlfriend was using Evernote for work and since she is a product manager she lost a looooooooooot of work. Weeks worth of work is just gone.

    As I said before, I have notified Evernote support but I haven't heard back from them. This is truly unnerving and unacceptable.

    I would appreciate any advice on getting the data back and I just want to warn everyone about this possibility happening to them as well.


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