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Posts posted by tolga

  1. I also beleive that it might be better if a confirmation question (asking whether you are sure about deleting) is put optionally and Ieave it to the user whether to use it or not....

    but I must also admit that the option for sorting according to the deleted date in the trash folder is very helpful... if you realize that you have deleted sth, that will help... but the problem is what if you do not realize a deleted note?

    Actually, this is a problem, isn't it. I have deleted things on accident and wondered how they got there. I know this might be way beyond the pale, but I think it would be cool if we could have a note generated each day (optional, of course) detailing our activity. I'd like to know all sorts of diagnostic stuff and have it in an easily digestible form.

    Report for August 13, 2012

    12 notes changed

    20 notes created

    3 notes deleted

    2 notebooks shared

    1 shared notebook deleted

    Changed notes

    blah blah details

    Created notes

    blah blah blah details

    Deleted notes

    blah blah blah details

    viewing the trash folder by sorting the notes according to deleted days might perhaps work to keep track of the deleted files... but still an option for certain folders not to let notes to be deleted so easily is a must... I have carried all the database of a petition system to evernote and tagged them accordingly. If a note is deleted accidentially, this means that this petition will never be answered, which is a huge problem... I am still glad that I have changed my system to evernote, before that I did not have any system, using google forms to collect petitions, but would be very happy to have an option to restrict deletion of notes in certain folders.

  2. I also beleive that it might be better if a confirmation question (asking whether you are sure about deleting) is put optionally and Ieave it to the user whether to use it or not....

    but I must also admit that the option for sorting according to the deleted date in the trash folder is very helpful... if you realize that you have deleted sth, that will help... but the problem is what if you do not realize a deleted note?

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