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Everything posted by fallwein

  1. Thanks both! @PinkElephant, I just re-installed EN as local user - will see if the issue persists.
  2. Hi, just to follow up on There seems to a bug here in that Evernote can't update on Mac if the current user doesn't have Admin privileges. Instead, it gives a popup ("trying to add a new helper tool") every time there is a new version (i.e. often). Workaround is to download the update manually (by checking in Evernote) and clicking / filling in the Admin user and password once or twice in the process. This literally only happens on Evernote, not in any other app I run. This makes me hope that there can be a solution, and the Evernote team can find it. 💪 Right? Mac OS 14.5, Evernote - but has been like this for many months.
  3. Solved (for me...)! In my case, "Evernote is trying to install a new helper tool" translated as "there is a new version of Evernote available. Please check manually for updates, download and install." 😁 Mac Sonoma 14.2.1, Evernote (now) 10.71.2, not from App Store
  4. Amazing, so it does work. Thanks everyone!
  5. @Dave-in-Decatur partly, yes. When I click, it zooms to the middle of the image, with no way (afaik) to scroll to the top or bottom for edits. Might try editing externally as @gazumped suggests, but it would be seriously strange if there were no way to scroll in the zoomed image 🤔
  6. Hi, I would like to zoom, then edit an image in Evernote. Did not manage to do so either on Mac OS or iOS (current versions). I only found various tools to edit/ highlight, but none for zooming in. sorry f I sound stupid - found nothing using search here, or on Google. I’m guessing there must be an easy solution. Anyone?
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