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Annie Sil

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  1. Hi Gazumped, thanks a lot for your reply, sorry for the red flags, definitely due to my unfamiliarity with right terminology, and trying to explain my problem as succintly as I could. (Not to mention the disappointment and irritation for the problem. I am just an average person that used this app to save same data I wanted to keep.) 1) It's the same thing Boot 17 said, I agree, it seems like that's what happened, but I cannot figure out how, I use Evernote on this device only, and basically until yesterday never logged out but used it very regularly. 2) "Forced" as in I was in the middle of writing a note when it popped "there is an update, install. And it was ok to me, since there had been no update prompts in a while. From legacy to 10? Maybe, I have no idea sorry. 3) Apparently it wanted me to drop a sync device (that I never used I never even remembered I had it, I even thought I had only the one - nevermind the web version) After, it dropped the credit card thing, now I see the homepage, but still stuck at five years ago. 4) Yes, that's the point, they must be out there somewhere, (I do hope!). If I could only access them.. That's all I want. 5) How long would it last, a "suspension"? I will wait a few days then and try again... Then writing to Support...
  2. UPDATE: apparently it will drop the credit card thing if I leave out a device to sync. Now I was able to access the account again and look but I am back to square one, still just the same old files from five years ago. I even "saved" the local notebook (ENEX) file as instructed but no, still everything missing.
  3. The account as far as I know was only one (and it let me in by changing the password through the security check via email). But even WORSE now today, both the app on the computer AND the Evernote web let me log in, but now hide the home page behind a popup that offers subscription or free trial but actually leaves you no option but to enter your credit card data (and you get free trial but then it's automatic subscription unless you remember to cancel) If you do not input your credit card data, it will not even show the page, so actually now I do not even know what is there in my account anymore because I cannot look! I will NOT give my credit card data. I would have liked a warning (as in "we are changing our policy/app from this update, if you do not like it take your data and goodbye") before the update so to save all my info somehow, now I lost hundreds and hundreds of notes I cannot recover. I am fuming. Awful commercial practice and lack of professionality and customer service.
  4. I have the same problem. I have used Evernote for years (on single device, Windows), today while I was using it, it forced an update and when it restarted it made me choose a new password ("old one blocked for security reasons") and when I got in, the most recent note was from 2018! Basically all notes of the last five years have disappeared!! Help!
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