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  2. @gazumped suggestion is great. Otherwise the following will create a new note containing your pdf with the title being the title of the pdf (without the "pdf" extension) Drag the pdf into the note list area of EN. If you are in a notebook it will place the new note in that notebook. If you are not (e.g Notes or a search) it will prompt you for a notebook On Windows (I assume Mac has something similar) right click the pdf file and choose send to Evernote (you might need to look in "show more options" in Windows 11). It will go into your default notebook.
  3. I assume you are modifying the standard EN styles. Are you saving those styles within EN using update style? When I paste into word the font is lost but colours and bullet points seem to OK(ish). In EN: In word:
  4. GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! Federico Simionato, product lead at Evernote, replied to me on Twitter when I asked about this feature: FINALLY!!! It's in the works! 🙌🙌🙌 https://x.com/fedesimio/status/1780125529380712586
  5. It's not a function I regularly use but I've just tested and it seems to be working ok for me. 10.84.3-win-ddl-public (20240409145102) Editor: v177.16.3 Service: v1.100.4 © 2019 - 2024 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved
  6. As of today, 16/04/2024, I can add the details for a task but when I press the create button, nothing happens The version I am using: Anyone else experiencing this issue?
  7. Today
  8. That's not possible within EN and|or by reading its local data. But you may use foreign tools like Make (formerly called "Integromat"). Most of them allow to specifiy EN search phrases to collect notes and process them according to rules you have to specify. I've created a small example to search for notes in a notebook "EN-1-Issues" that carry a tag called ">8-waiting". The list is sorted descending by CreationDate and formatted to a HTML-table with each row representing a note and showing its Creation-, Updated-, ReminderDate, Title (as a clickable link) and the list of currently assigned tags. At the this is eMailed to me... Here's the result: Unfortunately, tools like this are often restricted in some areas (#API-Calls/time, #returnedNotes, specific field values...) because of EN limitations. In case of Make, you cannot read the Author-property of a note or set a ReminderDone date 😞. If you'll find an other tool that covers your specific needs, please let us know about.
  9. Hi. We're mainly other users here. Please raise this with Support https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (be very patient for a response) or feed it back to feedback@evernote.com.
  10. Printing is not one of Evernote's strengths - if you need to produce a physical document it may bet better to start in a word processor and attach that file to a note. Copy/ paste the content or print to PDF if you need the content visible in the note, but edit and print from the WP file for better output control.
  11. If you're creating text that might need to be copied into a Word document, why not create it from scratch in a Word document and attach that to a note? You could copy/ paste the content or print to PDF if you need to see it inline...
  12. My chrome will not update anymore, v103, I'm used to that, but my Firefox is version 115.9esr (64-bit). It is up to date and Evernote web will not work on that neither. Safari v12.1.2, again used to that fact that it is out of date...Chrome and Firefox display this:
  13. If you create an Import Folder on your desktop and move new files there, Evernote will use the filename as the title of the note it creates. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004967-Create-import-folders
  14. The formatting is done through HTML commands, that are invisible part of the text when you copy it. Since all apps use their own „flavor“ of HTML it may well be that when you copy a complex formatting between apps, the receiving app interprets the code differently. Against believes MS Word is no „Industry Standard“ - MS is known to do things their own way, which then only works between MS apps (and sometimes not even there). In general I wouldn’t expect full compatibility.
  15. Hi. Sounds like you're exiting Evernote by signing out. If you use File > Quit Evernote in the main window, you should find that a restart will open the app without a login.
  16. Sometimes a log can be useful. The command line is not necessary, the Activity Log can be enabled through the Help menu.
  17. 「・」での誤爆ですよね? Windowsでは生じない(デスクトップ,Webの双方) macOSでは,safariのWeb版でのみ生じない との情報があるようです.
  18. With all scanners, scan to a folder, rename the file there and save it into an Import Folder. For me it actually saves time. The file name will be used as note title. Giving a good file name avoids rework when the note was created. Search in v10 is actually better than it was before: They added the „Contains“ command, and Boolean Search is available. Contains allows to narrow down the search in a new way, only showing certain content types. Boolean Search allows complex searches not possible before. Both can be used in saved searches.
  19. The ENEX export provides a proprietary database. I am not aware of a way to open, or read, the ENEX file.
  20. This is probably an unanticipated bug. Definitely requires a bug report. Files is still in development. You should probably stop using it for a couple of iterations
  21. I don't know if this will be an answer but you could try... The GitHub evernote-backup project creates a local SQL database from which it is possible to then generate the ENEX export for backup. Perhaps the SQL would facilitate your dietary unusual requirement.
  22. Don't worry about that error message. AFAIK, it's something to do with the Evernote desktop app trying to connect to the server, which I understand is something it does each time it downloads a note (I might be wrong about this, but it doesn't matter). I had the same problem when trying to export directly from Evernote, and when I restarted the export (without doing anything to the identified problem note) it would work fine until it found another apparently problematic note. I don't think there's anything wrong with the notes; the problem is with how Evernote tries to export. I synced and exported almost 11 thousand notes today and apart from two error messages, which didn't matter because I just resumed the export, the evernote-backup method worked fine. Nothing else I looked into would work (for example, Backupery has disappeared and I couldn't use the Legacy version of Evernote, which used to export seamlessly). Really hope it works just as well for you. I understand how alarming it is to be completely reliant on Evernote for the security of your data.
  23. お返事いただきありがとうございます。 しかし、そちらについては既に非表示設定にしております。 その上で上記の状態です。 これについてはGoogleやYoutubeなどで検索してみても解決法はヒットしませんでした。 Evernote運営への問い合わせ窓口も見当たらず、こちらで伺った次第です。 もし何か分かることがありましたらご教示いただけますと幸いです。
  24. Thank you so much for that, I really appreciate it. I am good with using CMD / command windows as long as I know exactly what to type! Extracting files no problem I can understand that so this is really helpful. I'm slightly concerned about the error messages I was getting as there was no indication as to what the problem actually was with the offending note(s) from the random error message I received! if I don't know what the problem is it's hard to fix the note that is blocking the export. I have several hours and nothing better to do I will have a go at the above 🤣 thanks again ⬇️ grateful for any advice about this error message from anyone on here 🙏🏻 "We found the following note that may be blocking the export. Please open the note and resolve any banners"
  25. That helps many times. I hope they get quality to a level that this is not needed more than once a year or even never. I politely disagree. My second brain should be faster than my own brain. 🙂 😞
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