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(Archived) Feature Request: Better Outlines / OPML support

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Hi everybody.

Despite my general love of Evernote, its lists and list controls are rudimentary to the point of being frustrating to use. While Evernote has obviated just about every other note-taking and though-organizing tool in my arsenal, OmniOutliner <http://www.omnigroup.com/products/omnioutliner/> still keeps hanging on due to its stellar outline creation and editing abilities. That said, I desperately want my outlines in the Evernote cloud with all of my other notes, accessible via all of your amazing client applications. EVERNOTE NEEDS BETTER OUTLINES!

The biggest feature that seems to be missing is the easy reordering of items in a list. Right now, if you cut and item in a list and paste it elsewhere in the list, the formatting goes crazy with double bullets and/or weird indentation. I feel like it's necessary to try to fix this cut and paste "bug", and it would be ideal to be able to nudge a list item up or down via a key command along the way. It seems like a great way to accomplish this would be to support OPML (though however it's done would be welcome). Assuming easier node reordering and OPML support, the collapsing and expanding of nodes would be a welcome additional feature.

Please consider this! You'd get TO DO list support for free along the way.

In general though, thank you very much for an awesome product. I use it daily.


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Totally agree. The only reason I didn't use OmniOutliner is that it is Mac only. That's why I didn't use OneNote on my Windows machine ... Windows only. Evernote rocks in the cross-platform, always available state but the outlining and nested folder structure put it a bit behind other products from a usability standpoint.


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Thanks for the feedback. We've been making a set of gradual changes to improve all parts of editing styled text, and multi-level lists are part of this work. (We're not done yet, obviously...)

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Great to hear that you're looking into this, engberg!

If you managed to create good support for multi-level lists within Evernote would be amazing! A "good support" for this would in my humble opinion include the ability to both create and reorder such lists entirely by keyboard.

Another possible solution would be the ability to view OO3 notes within Evernote of course… Either one would do. ;)

Keep up the good work :)

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