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Automatically create note from template (via email, IFTTT or Zapier)


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I've got a template note containing bullet points and checkboxes that I often need to create a copy of. Currently I do this by manually copying the note using Evernote's functionality. To automate this I'd instead like to either email the template to my EN or to use IFTTT/Zapier to create it. However I haven't found any way to include checkboxes in the note.

  • Using email the checkboxes are ignored
  • Using Zapier (find note + copy bodyhtml to new note) I get an error message that the content isn't allowed
  • Using IFTTT you can append checkboxes to an existing note which isn't what I'm looking for since the checkboxes need to be placed at special places in the note

Is there any way to accomplish this?

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