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Shared note/notebook: how to track changes?

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I would like to do simple things like:

  • See who has contributed to a note/notebook.
  • See who has made the last modifications on a note/notebook.
  • Get regular updates when collaborators make changes on a shared note/notebook.
  • Get notified when someone joins a shared note/notebook.
  • Be able to revert changes of another collaborator.
  • Get notified if someone creates or deletes a note.

It don't see the point of the sharing functionality if I have no clue what others are doing. When I share an idea here, it is an obvious option to get notified when there are replies. Why isn't it implemented in Evernote?

It seems that there was some function like this in the past, with the Activity Stream? Is it still hidden somewhere?

Some people also suggest Zapier and IFTTT. But I have seen the option only to get notified when a new note is created.

Another tool is the history. But I understand it only takes random snapshots, completely unrelated to who has made some changes.

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Thank you for the advice. But I don't see any way to access the information to track changes from my computer or online.

I cannot get the Android app from my Chinese phone, as it doesn't have Google Play.

Any other option?

Any reason why the Activity Stream  has been removed from the desktop app?

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  • Level 5*

Hi M-J T,

I see you've signed up for our SureNotifier service, so you'll start receiving daily emails of the changes in your Business and Shared notes. Also, while the mobile app is not required, I'll message you so we can work out a way for you to get the Android app.


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Thank you. I have received the first daily email today. This is some useful information, considering that Evernote does not give any clue of what is happening.

But it is still quite far from what I would expect from a sharing tool. The email is nice, but it would be good also to combine all history in real time as it is produced on my online profile. Will it be in the paid version?

Independently of SureNotifier, I feel that the functionalities I have listed should simply be in Evernote, rather than an external tool. I am not going to search the history of notifications emails to find out who was the last person to modify a specific note. I simply want to do a right click on the note and get this information, or even display it directly in the note summary in some way. I would also like to have:

  • A filtering system inside a note showing the text written by other people sharing the note.
  • A simple highlight on the notes that have been modified since the last time I have opened them.
  • ...

From a business strategy perspective for SureNotifier, I appreciate that you try to fill some missing features of Evernote. However, I am not ready to pay for this service, except if would become really powerful. So not for sending a few emails, whatever the frequency. I don't see how it would be possible to do that outside of Evernote.

Looking forward to test the Android app.

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  • Level 5*

@M-J T Thanks very much for the feedback. Yes, the mobile app and paid version combined will give you a large amount of additional functionality, including note lists which reflect changed notes in real time, and the ability to define multiple note lists based on combinations of notebooks and/or tags.

We'll look forward to seeing if we can provide sufficient functionality to make the service worth your investment!

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Ok, I have received replies from 2 "Guru"s, but nobody told me that the activity stream actually still exists?

For someone developing a product around this feature, based on Evernote, it seems unlikely that you do not know about it. So it looks like you are trying to sell a product that is already mostly covered by Evernote by hiding it???

If you really do not know about it, and for other users who will reach this post, here are the steps to show it: Tools -> Customize Toolbar... -> Drag to the toolbar the Activity icon.

It does not cover all the aspects of my original post, but it is a good starting point on which Evernote can build.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  If you can see three copies of your comment above,  you can delete a couple by going to the 'options' drop-down in the bottom left corner. 

And I may be a 'guru' but that doesn't make me an employee or mean I'm hiding anything.  The Activity Stream doesn't give you anything like what you asked for,  and Evernote haven't released any information about upgrades.  Other developers are trying to come up with viable reports to fill the need.  If this discussion gets some supporting clicks on the counter (top left) Evernote might look at the possibilities of improving the granularity of their reporting.  But for the moment what you see is all there is.

Evernote's documentation is on their Help and Learning site.  You might be interested in Is there a way to audit activity or a log of changes within Evernote Business?


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17 minutes ago, gazumped said:

If you can see three copies of your comment above,  you can delete a couple by going to the 'options' drop-down in the bottom left corner.


17 minutes ago, gazumped said:

The Activity Stream doesn't give you anything like what you asked for

Well, I think that I have asked pretty explicitly about it... It is fine if you don't know about this feature. but if someone replying here knows (which is most likely for someone developing a product in this direction), I do not find it very honest not top point it out when I have asked so clearly about it. Also your reply here trying to deny everything is not honest. Simply acknowledge it if you don't know anything about this feature, or missed my question!

On 31/08/2016 at 6:13 PM, M-J T said:
  • See who has made the last modifications on a note/notebook.
  • Get regular updates when collaborators make changes on a shared note/notebook.
On 31/08/2016 at 6:13 PM, M-J T said:

It seems that there was some function like this in the past, with the Activity Stream? Is it still hidden somewhere?


31 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Evernote's documentation is on their Help and Learning site.  You might be interested in Is there a way to audit activity or a log of changes within Evernote Business?

I have put the most relevant link I could find about it. Did I miss something else?

I am a Premium user, I don't see the point of sharing a question about Evernote Business, that does not even include any information on showing the activity feed...

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  • Level 5*

Not sure why we seem to be having a fight about this - if your requirements are semi-satisfied by the standard Activity Stream then I do apologise for not making sure you were aware of it.  I got the impression from a quick read that your requirements were more detailed than what's available - and bear in mind (all due respect to Evernote) the blog is a marketing tool and every feature description tends to be a little 'glowing'.  Due diligence is required.

Perhaps you can detail what you'd like to see added to the current experience and see whether the idea gains some support?

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