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(Archived) Invoices

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I'm somehow missing (or it's not available) a way find and to print out the monthly statement/invoice. Need that for business records. Where can I get this? I can check out my account, but there are not monthly statements available. Though I can do a search for bank records, that really isn't the best to use for record keeping and taxes.

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Most online services don't provide invoices. Normally, you get an email stating the fee was successfully charged to your account. When necessary, I'll combine that with a scan of the portion of my credit card statement showing the transaction date, vendor & charge. That's usually sufficient, IME.

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All of my other online services Amazon Web Services, PowerDNN, Nexternal, Constant Contact, among many others we use for business have a way for me to print out past and present invoices by going to their website and getting them directly. (though they do send out emails as well but we get buried in email and it's not as convenient). That's why I found it unusual in this case.

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  • 3 months later...
  • Level 5

I'm not so sure this is a great idea. I'd hate to to see the cost rolled onto users who have no need for individual monthly billing.

Considering the total cost to develop or modify the billing/invoicing software for a few customers, debug it, then run it, maintain historical records, and email to specific customers.

Will the business customers agree to pay the additional costs involved?

I bet the answer will be no in many cases. I can foresee all the QQ'g "it's not fair to stick it to the business users".

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This would probably be bundled up with a group/batch account sponsorship mechanism, so that an organization with 20 employees could set up Premium accounts without filling out the upgrade form 20 times with 20 credit card numbers. We're not rushing into anything, but have some people thinking about basic requirements for small/medium size organizational purchasing (ala Google Apps).

We aren't planning on turning into Salesforce.com next month or anything excessive.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some capacity to print invoices/receipts for past payments (regardless of monthly or annual) is not a luxury, it is a basic requirement of doing business if you are taking payment from people online. I need this now, and I can't find the feature... because it doesn't exist. Disappointed. Evernote, this is a priority. Remember, this is a feature only your premium users would ever want or need... therefore by definition presumably a priority.

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I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm in IT. And if I don't have an invoice, I screen cap a copy of the charge on my credit card. Doesn't have to have the cc number. Just the company, amount & date. And my employer accepts that. Don't know if it's b/c we're IT & used to this very common practice or not.

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  • Level 5

I was the sales manager at my company and that is exactly what my people did. Actually, they just photocopied their monthly CC statement and used a black magic marker to black out the CC number and any personal charges. Some of my guys would also black out the grand total.

I don't recall a single problem with all the expense reports I approved. Piece of cake.

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  • 1 year later...


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